crisis in aus

Day 711, 07:30 Published in Australia Australia by dylan of the darkness
People of Australia here this

Now is not the time to be splitting up

Due to the liberation of WA from Indonesia and the forming of a mpp with the USA their for forming an alliance EDEN/fortis their has been a split in Australia those for EDEN and those against EDEN

But here this

Now is not the time to be splitting up

We need to stick together as a nation though the troubled times. We need to work together, now we have WA we need to keep it

We can still have an alliance with out being a EDEN or PEACE GC pawn

Now is not the time to be splitting up

We are Australian we stick together

If we do not work together Australia losses

In the turbulent times that will come in the foreseeable future we need to be strong. we are AUSSIES we have national pride, we stick together, when we are one we are strong.

Please listen to this and take heed

Some of the people that complaining about Australia being boring are now complaining about getting action.

This article is not EDEN, it is not PEACE, it is PRO-AUSTRALIA
Now is not the time to be splitting up

We should be celebrating the return of WA NOT SPLITING UP

"We must be the change we wish to see."
Mahatma Gandhi

"No one can whistle a symphony.
It takes an orchestra to play it."
H.E. Luccock

Thank you
Dylan of the darkness
