Crio Genio V8's eMarriage Proposal REJECTED!

Day 516, 17:54 Published in Philippines Philippines by ElyzzaCarell

Yesterday, Crio made an eMarriage Proposal to the editor and writer of "Opinions".
The article may be read here:

In this article, his eProposal as quoted was:
"May I take over your heart?

May i can steal the treassure yo keep entre tus patas?

eMarry me

Practice with me to make children

I eLove eYou"

"May i can steal the treassure yo keep between your legs?

Now, that was some vulgar display of Crio's "ILL SENSE OF HUMOR"!
Given equal citizen eRights and eDignity, the lady in distress as she was insulted at this eProposal, Elyzza Carell commented on his article that she clearly refuses to eMarry Crio.

Proof of her refusal as written in her comments about Crio's "ill sense of humor" articles:

So, if you saw the video as stated in his "declaration of eLove", he clearly states his idea of true eLove... his leg.

IMO, Love must be clearly insulted to be compared to a LEG, don't you think?