Crime hits eAustralia

Day 658, 07:24 Published in Australia Australia by stewstoyc

G'day eAustralia

Well they other day you may have seen a article about gold missing from the National Bank of Australia, now i took down this article just so we could figure out the full amount before we officaly go public.

The last few days I have been working with my Minister of Finance to get the full amount that was stolen. We came to a amount of 1,214.76 Gold.
We have a few leads on who have taken the gold or where is has gone, but we are not 100% sure at this moment.
This has really stuffed up the eAustralia budget and I must plea anyone that has any news please PM me, I may even give you a reward for your information.

Because of this we may have to sell our next hospital to cover Septembers budget, unless this money is not returned then that will be the case. Sorry for anyone that has been working hard for the hospital, but it is not our fault. 🙁 But not only that with this missing gold we can't build the Q5 weapons company and start this new military reform until we have that gold.

So now you have been informed about the gold and how much has been stolen, please help us get to the end of this.

Message to the offender:
If you have just read this article you can see that eAustralia is struggling a little, because of you we may not get our 3rd hospital in one of our states. If you just donate to the country accounts, your donation is not seen so no one will know its you.
Please mate this is my plea, we need that gold to help eAustralia grow!

Prime Minister of eAustralia