Crime and Punishiment

Day 1,146, 04:56 Published in USA USA by Good_Ags

Crime and Punishment in the medieveal perido took on many amusing concepts such as:

Men or women who wore overly luxurious clothes could have them ripped off their bodies in the streets.

If a husband allowed his wife to rule the home or hit him, his neighbors could come and remove his roof.

The punishment for swearing or blaspheming had many punishments. Some places the blasphemer would have to run around the church's baptismal font holding a candle.; Sever offenders could have thir tongue cut out.

Anyone who fell asleep in church would be forced to wear a heavy wooden crucifix and stand next to the door on several following Sundays.

And it was widely believed that those that didn't join the NoS "Dive Bar" would be destined to a lonely life devoid of happiness and mirth.

Ok so the last wasn;t widely believed back then, but today if you decide not to join, you're only punishing yourself.