Creation of the South West Regional Council!

Day 494, 04:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council

As there was no opposition, I, Azra'eil, hereby announce the creation of the South West Regional Council!

The following positions will need filling:
Note - These roles have not yet been tested and may be adjusted this term so they work as well as possible!

Coucillor of Transport -
This role will consist of encouraging and assisting citizens to move here. Once we have funds, this councillor will be also be responsible for sending out moving tickets for those who wish to move here.

Councillor of Media -
This role will consist of promoting the region and assisting new citizens through PM's and news articles. The person in this role will ideally be willing to work together with the Councillor of Transport.

Councillor of Health -
This role will consist of making new citizens aware of the benifits of higher q food, houses etc. And the effects of working for high q companies and fighting etc. Ideally the person in this role will be willing to work together with the NHS director in the region, or will be the actual NHS director for the SW!

Councillor of entertainment -
This role will consist of organising competitions and threads of interest for the region to encourage activity. You will need to work together with the councillor of media to promote each competition/update.

All applicants will need to be active eUK forum members.

Wages - Each councillor will be payed 25gbp per term, provided they are active in their role

All applicants please apply here: