Crazy Time Once Again

Day 812, 15:55 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

So, I logged in a few moments ago to see that the Word War is once again heating way the hell up. Russia is going after Lion King, and most likely preemptively blocking China from attacking Jilin. Greece has attacked Turkey once more after nearly a month of no battles, opening a whole other battle ground for Phoenix and EDEN. Canada has a RW in Delaware, likely started by Phoenix to waste at least some Canadian damage. Most notably, a RW has started in Karnataka, making it officially our Hello Kitty as a perfect distraction region. Put it all together, and I think that Phoenix is up to something...tonight.

They have started damage-draining battles everywhere conceivable, I doubt that Serbia is on its way to Karnataka since they first have to get through India, although it could be part of the whole thing. They likely will not attack North America, as Canada can block Russia for us, and Portugal has no active war with us. That just leaves one option. Europe looks like it is about to completely explode once more, this time with Phoenix on the offensive in some sort of major battle. My bets say that Hungary will try to take on Romania again. Either that or Hungary and Serbia are going to take another shot at Croatia.

Either way, it appears that Phoenix has decided to do something to stem the bleeding. It has lost Slovenia, Bulgaria and Germany, and is about to lose the eUK to EDEN, all in the last month or two. Frankly, I am surprised that Phoenix has not already put together some sort of counter-attack plan. They are being overpowered left and right, and need to do something to try to turn the tide. Then again, I could be just rambling on about coincidences, and nothing will happen over the next week except the eUK getting taken over. Time will be the judge I guess.