CPP Presidential Campaign

Day 359, 14:12 Published in Canada Canada by Tom Hagen

Alexander Rearden is right when he says that there are more important things to read than political campaign articles. Despite this I just want to state why I think you, the CPP membership should vote me, Tom Hagen, as your next leader.

What do I offer?
Experience - I have been involved in eCanada, in some form or another, for 11 months. There are not many eCanadians who can say that. I have also been party leader before. It is time for that to happen again.

Knowledge - In my time in eCanada I have seen and done everything I can. I will use this to help our party to scale the heights which we once held unchallenged.

Accessibility - Vote me as your Party President and I will give you a say in this party's policies. Whether it is on how our congressmen should vote or whether we should be right wing or left wing. You, the CPP member, will be involved in that decision.

To help make this possible please join our forums which are situated at: http://ecanadaconservative.forumotion.net/forum.htm

Once again vote Tom Hagen in the upcoming elections and I will help make CPP great again.

Thank you for reading,