CP Update - Government Organisation

Day 1,053, 13:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Connell

Hey folks,

There seems to be an ongoing problem in eIreland regarding the changeover in governments. For instance a lack of records, plans in operation and just general information from one month to the next can get lost. This term I’m going to try and change that, by making everything a minister does in a term easily accessible for the next government. So I’ve taken a few measures, to better organise the ministries and their work.

Government Forums
Octavius Dryst has organised with Kolshire for us to have a special place for cabinet dealings on the national eIrish forums. Forums are essential for ministerial aims to be known and problems to be addressed. Bringing them into the national eIrish forums, they’ll be a really record of what’s going on and should help the transition of future governments too. As it stood, we had every new government making their own forums, which really is a bit silly. It was a waste of time and hopefully the work that we’re doing now will stand the test of time and help future governments as well as our own. A big thank you must go to Kolshire for helping us with this!

Schedule + Record
The biggest and possibly most important change this month is the use of google calendar, when operating and trying to monitor something as diverse as an erepublikan government, organising that information and also communicating with all the other ministries and ministers can be very difficult. Also there’s usually a bit of a lull in the work done by a government after the first few weeks and often you’ll find by midterm, a government will often be a lot less active than they were initially.

So the the calendar will give each ministry lots of little goals which must be completed every week, it will give an easy and quick way to communicate to a ministry, give a record of what’s been done and what’s being done and then also give the next government a clear timeline as to how everything was done. So there’s lots of benefits from using this and maybe if it works as well as I think it will, the system may be adopted for future governments too. All would take is an email address of each minister and then calendar can be reused.

Another thing which we’ll be using more of this term is google docs, it’s great for collaboration and again just so the next guys have something to work from it really is an essential tool.

And I was that cat

There will be no cabinet meeting this term, I've been to many and none ever bring something productive and it's just unnecessary imo.

I’m going to get an irc channel done up for the cabinet also. There have been some in the past and I’ll get back to you all in regards what that channel name is. I’m playing with the idea that I might make a public government irc room too, for people who are not in the cabinet, but have an idea or questions on something that we’re doing.

So that’s how everything is going to work this month. I apologise to all the ministers because I know that some people have been looking for more information in regards their responsibilities for the month, but good organisation takes time and it took all of today, half of yesterday and a bit of tomorrow to get this setup.
So there is an important role for everyone in a ministry, but this was a necessary step to ensure before we got down to the work that we could function in the most efficient way and that the work that we do this month isn't lost the next and can be continued.

That’s about it from today, I am now going to the pub for a drink. Waaaaheyyyy

Unlucky Ireland in the match today, we did play football for at least 20 minutes this time. In the greater scheme of things it was pretty good. We'll get those Ruskies yet