CP Update Day 1112

Day 1,112, 16:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Okay, firstly sorry for the delay in releasing a first article. Monday is by far the busiest day in college (I'm on Xmas holidays soon so that won't be a problem anymore). And I was also beset by poor Internet connection for about 2 hours when I got home.
But now I am just after a meeting on IRC with Marcus Suridius and JohnSmith 2K9 about the invasion and I will fill you in below as much as possible.

First though, I want to discuss the CP election. I want to thank everyone who voted for me yesterday and I must say I really appreciate your support and encouragement over the last week. I am delighted to have won and I feel very privileged to be in this very prestigious position. Unfortunately, there has to be a loser, and I would like to commiserate with James and Michael who sadly had to miss out on this occasion. James in particular ran an excellent campaign and I hope he comes back in the future because he would do well IMO.


President/An Taoiseach: John Gormley
Vice-President/An Tánaiste: mirek12345
Co-Chiefs of Staff: Sennan Blake and Boris Tomic
Co-Ministers of Defence: Marcus Suridius and orangejuicemmm
Co-Ministers of Finance and Trade: Octavius Dryst and DashRiprock
Minister of Foreign Affairs: JohnSmith 2K9
Co-Ministers of New Citizens: Fr0Fr0 and Michael Hook
Minister of Community: James Keiller
Minister of Immigration: Jacques Cousteau

A couple of notes on this team:
- mirek was today mentioned in an article by Maddog, and he was quoted as saying there's a "fair chance" of peace between eUK and eIreland. While I think mirek was a little naive and silly, I don't think he did much wrong. He really believed he was speaking with jhorlin and he was actually misquoted. Maddog is only a troll trying to stir up trouble and I would trust mirek over him any day.
I am not intending to sack him at all because I still have faith in him.
And to the Canadians I say, we don't want peace at all. We will continue to stand by you because we value your friendship.

- You will notice OJ as Co-MoD. Marcus and I were discussing on IRC, and we wanted an ICA-IDF partnership at CoS and MoD to help bring the two organizations together.
Marcus said he wanted OJ as Co-MoD and he insisted on it. While I know this will definitely not be a popular decision, I think it is for the good of the country and I will stand by it.

As you all are aware, the defence against the eUK invasion went abysmally and we are down to one region.
JohnSmith2K9, Marcus and myself discussed an idea at length tonight and we came up with a plan of action.
Unfortunately, for the plan to work I am not at liberty to tell the public anything about this plan. I can only just try to reassure everyone that I plan to get our country back together as soon as possible. You will see the plan unfold very shortly.

Again, I thank everyone for entrusting me with the duty of running this great country.

Until tomorrow...
John Gormley
President of Ireland
An Taoiseach