CP the 2nd attempt

Day 1,574, 16:10 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

Right so my campaign last month was a good start to the BPP's run for CP and by popular choice in the party im up again.

My goals are much the same boot Canada out of our country France has dug in and we wont shift them unless we plan well and ive already begun with a small team intended to form my MoD should I be elected.

Whats the same?
I would still like to for a Joint Forces Command under ourselves and the top Polish MU's to manage the ONE resistance.

I would also still like to rebuild the national military to head the above😁 and help manage our own resistance.

Whats new?
So far ive decided to scrap the food/weapon programme it would bring low cost food and weapons to the people but still be bad for the economy.

Ive also made changes to my cabinet base on suggestions and the reaction to my previous list.

ive another few ideas going but ill save them.

I know its early but again by popular suggestion in the party I have begun early again just a short opener but there will be more