CP Manifesto Part 3 - Fringe Issues and More

Day 1,110, 14:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Good evening again eIreland.
This is the third part of my manifesto for tomorrow's election. And, though I originally planned four parts, this will be the last part due to an unforseen circumstance I will now explain...

Campaign Goals:

I intended for my fourth article to be written on my campaign goals.
But, as some of you may have noticed on the list of candidates, there are no goals displayed for me.
However, I did select goals for the election early in the week and I am completely certain I pressed Save as I vividly remember doing so. I even checked that page and the party page everyday since and the goals were still there, but then yesterday they suddenly were gone.

I am really annoyed by this. I am entirely convinced it is a bug and that this is not my fault. I have contacted the Admins with a ticket but I am doubtful about getting a response. The National Goals are not particularly important but it's nice to have them and I'm disappointed.

For what it's worth I will write down here what my goals were before they were delete😛
Population: 5% increase
GDP: 100% (I don't think the GDP formula is working right, and I thought I might as well take advantage by putting 100😵
Control 1 new region: Northern Ireland

Now onto the fringe issues. I am referring in particular to Community and Immigration.
moomoohead was short on manpower so he delegated these areas, along with education, to the Dáil.
But I have found good Ministers for these areas so I will plan to take these powers back.


This is an area that has been very dead lately. Which is very disappointing because it is great craic when entertainment and games are organized amongst ourselves and when everyone gets involved.

I am really missing the awards and the lottery in particular and these two must be brought back IMO.
The pub quizzes were also very enjoyable and I hope they will be brought back.

I am delighted to say that I have been able to get a very fun and competent individual to take the helm of this Ministry and I am sure he will be able to provide us with a load of craic over the next month.


This Ministry has had a pretty meagre existence since it was initiated soon after the citizenship module was introduced.
I was the Minister a good while ago under Edana Savage and I have to say it was pretty challenging. It is a thankless job because you have to put up with the criticisms of impatient immigrants and you are under pressure due to the fact that it's hard to be completely sure there is no threat of PTO.

Despite this, eIreland has almost completely avoided attempted PTOs and this is partly due to this Ministry.
This Ministry is vital for preventing PTOs and for ensuring we get a constant stream of good, talented immigrants into this great nation.

The Immigration Ministry therefore will work towards an optimized system of citizen screening, so as to prevent every possible threat and to accept good citizens in a quick and effective manner.

I now have one last announcement to make...

My VP Choice:


A good friend of mine, I think mirek is a very well-respected member of our community. He had a very successful period as PP of Independent Voices, where he led them from the wilderness back into the Top 5. He has been a Presidential candidate a number of times, but unfortunately was not elected. He has been a very valuable Minister on a number of occasions and was voted Most Trusted Politician in the August Community Awards.
I am very glad to have him as my potential Vice-President.

So, that's it.
I ask you all one last time to consider voting for me tomorrow.
And best of luck to the other candidates, James and Michael, tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

John Gormley