CP Manifesto Part 2 - Core Issues

Day 1,109, 16:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Hello eIreland. It's me again. *waits for groans to stop*
Thank you for the positive feedback from my first article, and any criticism (constructive or otherwise) was duly noted.

This article will perhaps be my most important one in my series of manifesto articles, as it will deal with what are deemed the core issues of running any country. These issues are Defence, Finance, Foreign Affairs and New Citizens.
I'll keep it as short as possible so as to not bore you. 😃


That's the ICA! 😃

Well, this is a very busy area lately due to the British invasions. Undoubtedly, fighting off the Brits is one of the most enjoyable areas of the game and it's also good for the economy, and for tax receipts.

There is a drawback however. This sort of constant fighting is not sustainable for a small country like ours. I think we should continue fighting them but I do not think we can be as Gung Ho as we were in the past and we have to think things through more. I propose that we only follow EDEN's lead in terms of future action with eUK.

I will add one small exception to that however. I definitely want Northern Ireland back this month and I won't stop until it's ours.

Now onto the IDF: I like the re-emergence of Na Fianna and I hope that will continue with the fine start to its new existence.
The IDF in general needs to get bigger and more active. I feel recruitment drives should be re-energized and a drive for greater activity would be good.

I can't leave this area without mentioning the ICA. I haven't exactly been their biggest supporter in the past. However, I genuinely do admire them. It does impress me how well they are organized and they are very important to the safety of eIreland.
So, of course I will make it my business to build better relations with them if I'm elected.

Finance: (Trade will also come under this Ministry)

The economy is only doing okay at the moment. We are surviving okay but, again because we are a small country, we are always very vulnerable in case something extreme happens.

In the case of the Monetary Market, if someone with loads of gold tries to manipulate our currency we are in trouble. In wartime too, our currency can be very volatile.

These problems are clear on the Marketplace too. In sustained wartime our food levels at times get dangerously low.

This Ministry will be tasked with dealing with these problems head-on so Ireland's economy can prosper.

In terms of taxes, I feel they are mostly about right currently. However, my opinion is that tax rates in struggling areas, such as Rifles, should be considered in order to stimulate these areas.

The budget will be split up between 5 areas. Foreign Affairs and Defence will get the biggest chunks of the budget, and New Citizens, Finance/Trade and Community will share the rest.

Foreign Affairs

Our membership of EDEN looks like an inevitability at the moment, and looks like just a matter of when. That's why it is most important this month to continue building good relations with EDEN.
I also hope that this Ministry can work to educate the Irish public on the inner workings of EDEN before we eventually join.

The Ministry will look into two major proposals that have surfaced in the media recently. First was that Shannon will be held by Canada so that the Canadians could more easily help to defend us. I am a fan of this and I am hoping it will happen without any problems.
And second is that we land-swap with the Americans and Canadians to get an optimal mixture of high resource regions. I think this may be difficult to do but it is an excellent idea in theory, so it's certainly worth looking into.

Ambassadors will also hopefully be brought back. I'm not a big fan of having ambassadors for each country as I think it's a bit of a mess, so I expect it will be done by regions during my term.

New Citizens:

New citizens are extremely important for eIreland's future and I am hoping to put together a comprehensive service to meet their early e-life needs. This Ministry will work to first identify new citizens, then help them with health services and education.

The mentor system and the health system will both be re-vitalised to help our e-young to find their feet.
There's not much more to say on this other than that new citizens are pivotal for the country in the long-term and therefore I will treat this Ministry very seriously.

Thank you for taking the time to read this boring article 🙂, and I hope I have your vote on Sunday 5th. December 2010.

Is mise le meas,
John Gormley,
Presidential Candidate,
Boring Dude. 🙂