CP Elections some statistics

Day 3,710, 00:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Vincent Rekdal

Last election our President Muy Caliente was elected with 76% of votes.

When I saw the number of votes (22) I start to think...
On March 2011 I lost CP elections with 39 votes (40😵, and so I decided to analize the numbers of voters in each CP election since March 2011.
The result is quite impressive.
In 2011 the average number of voters was 78, 89 in 2012, 75,5 in 2013, going down to 2017 where the average number of voters was 23!
There is an evident decline in the interests of political life of the country. Of course the decline also depends on the few numbers of active swiss citizens.
So now the point is clear, we need a strong political maneuver to rise the number of citizen. This maneuver cannot be to sarch new player outside erep, as we have seen several times as this kind of actions doesn't have success. We need to find new resources in erep, trying to attract foreign players.