CP Elections 5th April

Day 1,226, 06:16 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus


Good afternoon eSouth Africans, we are a couple of days away from CP elections and I have decided to throw my hat in the race as well. IT was not my plan initially, but decided we need some more diversity and also the IA have not run our own candidate for the last 2 elections and we felt the need is there to run our own candidate.

It is well known that IA has many experienced and senior players among its members and have many able bodied politicians to run alongside me for VP. But in line with our tradition of co-operation, I have decided on a running mate outside of IA, and one should not be surprised to hear that I am lucky enough to have Oprah Winfrey (from the NAP)as my running partner. Everyone know the value Oprah brings to our community and the only surprise probably is that it is not Oprah running for CP. This is not a platform, only announcing that I will be running under the IA banner with Oprah Winfrey as our VP caniddate.

I am now asking one and all for your support and to be on the lookout for my platform in the coming days. To the other candidates running, good luck, and may the best choice for eSA be victorious.

Rexdeus for CP !
Oprah Winfrey for VP !

Graphic created by Mark Morcom

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