CP Election: Interview with Lawyee

Day 1,626, 18:24 Published in Slovakia Bolivia by Luiz Gauderio

1.How old are you? Where you live in real life and what you do in real life?

I am 26, live in Nitra in Western Slovakia and I am a lawyer (omen nomen).

2. Why you don't set goals to the campaign?

I did not set the goals, as I did not see the point of doing it after my three presidential terms. Unfortunatelly, they do not bring anything to the community after their fulfilling (which is pretty much a fail of game designers). At the end of the presidential term, instead of hearing "your country is victorious", I'd like to hear: "thank you for all you have done for our community". This is my real presidential goal.

3. Do you have intentions to make a open referendum ingame to liberate Southern Bohemia and order the slovakians to fight for Czech Rep.?

I have already done a referendum, having the best intentions to help, but it was criticised heavily by some members of commnity. Still, I do not regret it. Our people have shown that they want to help eCzechs to stand on their feet and I will do my best to do it, if eSlovaks will elect me.

4. You have negotiations with hungary to returns bratislava to our? And what about austria give us one region for bonus?

We have agreed with hungarian representatives to discuss about this after the elections. From in-game point of view, we do not need Bratislava for economic reasons, it is rather a matter of patriotism to have the RL capital. However, all will depend on the conditions of rent we could negotiate and on attitude of the general public. As to the eAustria, I would love to bring aluminium region to eSlovakia and I will contact eAustria right after elections to negotiate about it. However, no hostile actions will be made against eAustria.

5. The another candidate have more parties supporting, you have expectations to win this election? If you lose, what's the strategy? Do oposition or make coalization?

Smrtan was the first one to negotiate support from the parties, as I decided to run for elections later than him. I always consider it carefully before I choose to run, so I usually join the run as the last one. Still,I believe that people will decide on basis of personal knowledge, rather than by number of parties. Yes, I firmly believe that I can win, otherwise I would not run in the elections. However, if I lose in the elections, I will congratulate to smrtan, as he will be a good president. Therefore no opposition will be need. But if I would have a different opinion on a certain major issue, I would express it, though observing the decision.

6. Why do I think I am better than smrtan for CP?

Well, this is a pretty hard question. Smrtan is a legend for me, I admired him at the time I was an e-baby. Still, I remember that his government terms used to be „quiet“ – all departments working perfectly, but not communicating with people at a sufficient level. This used to annoy me. Furthermore, this is a special term, we want to make a next step in relations with eCzechs (both me and smrtan) and I believe RL Czechs and Slovaks should do this at first (that is why I am supporting Qw1n). At last, I think my gov programe covers more areas of community life.

7. Some communists are enter in eSlovakia, do you believe they can be accepted in the community if they moderate the discourse and work togheter with us or it's personal and slovakia never accept this guys here, independent of this guys changes the political positions?

There are two levels of experience with communism:
a) RL one – Slovaks have had their hard time with communism and it is kind of annoying when some teenage Turks, who never knew what it is like to suffer in totalitarian regime start to play with emotions of a nation.
b) in-game one – Utku and company proved to be a clear evil in the Czech Republic and they do not tend to be any different here in eSlovakia. They create multies to elect them, grant citizenships without consultation with government, do not donate gold to National Bank, as all congressmen should do, do not cooperate in any way. Their simple aim is to do harm. Every such person will be blocked from the community and in-game activities by any legal means. Once they stop doing this, you can repeat your question.