CP candidacy - October 2015

Day 2,870, 18:00 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by Mst Splinter

Hi panpas, marcel here.

You know me, I know you. I will be straight to the point. I want to work on some fields.

New Players
We can't babyboom RL Cypriots or inci. We must get that. So, I prepeared a big project to invite and bring in eCyprus citizens from all over the e-world and expand our community.

Wars - Military
We need more wars, not like those with Serbia but we need wars. I am going to organize some group messages with strong Div2 + Div3 Cypriots and allies who always help us.

We can't depend on Mithrantir or supertanks. We all love them, respect them but on a long scale analysis its not good that somebody pays for the state expenses. -I will decrease the MPPs
-Fortums/Supplies will not be with public money but with mine
-An amount of public money will be used for the "new players programe"

More operations and moar IRC!!!

That's all folks

I will try my best for eCyprus. We all know this game has become really boring. Let be ourselves who will change this and NOT Plato. Join eCyprus, fight for eCyprus, fight for the community and friends. Not for the virtual pixels!