CP Campaign - Grimstone and Bobady

Day 1,138, 13:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Bobady zoo

It is a New Year, one which shall gift us many opportunities for our fair and amazing nation. Pressured by the thunderous calls of a nation, Grimstone has formally entered the presidential race as he seeks a record 4th term in office. Buoyed on by the encouragement by many of his fellow countrymen, Grimstone’s name will be once again found on the ballot paper when you head to the polls on 5th of January. His number two for the coming term and running mate for this campaign is none other than me, Bobady Zoo.

The last five months have had one unbreakable constant, one defining characteristic which has endured right up until the moment that we head to the polls on the 5th. That is the location of Grimstone’s office which has seen him be a part of the presidency for five terms from his first presidency term to his term as vice president under the current administration. There is no competition when being compared to Grimstone in terms of experience. I cannot attest to having a record that is even comparable to Grimstone but my experience for being his Vice-President includes making the Ministry of Information my own for 3 terms, a high command position in the Parabats and the reputation of being one of South Africans most respected journalists. As you can see there is experience a plenty in the Grimstone/Bobady Presidency.

The biggest question on people’s minds is what we will do if you do decide to elect us. What are our core beliefs and aims for the coming term?

The Economy

Since the deal was struck which saw our regaining of our country in the form of congress and the presidency of this coming term, our economy has been in what can be called, a shambles. The mass migration of Hungarians as well as the loss of many key regions which are still under Brazilian control has seen companies struggle to survive due to worker shortages and thus demand has declined which have seen our economy struggle and our currency sharply devalue. The rejuvenation and stabilization economy will be one if not our most important objectives during the coming term.

How we are going succeed in revitalizing our economy is a whole other question. In the short term we need people to buy more South African goods thus feeding our own coffers with crucial taxation money as well as making sure South African money stays in South Africa. The more money that stays in South Africa as well as that which comes in from overseas, the greater growth our economy will see. We will need to work hard with the Proudly South African initiative, the Finance Ministry as well the economic council and the Governor of the Reserve Bank to develop methods in order to keep money in South Africa and to grow our economy. Intelligent and original ideas will need to be sought out in order to stabilize our economy in the short term; something key in player retention, population expansion and the creation of a prosperous country.

However we will also need to seek out long term solutions. We need to find ways in which we can have a successful economy in six months time. We need to focus on laying the foundations for a successful economy in the coming months. We need to encourage businessmen to open companies in South Africa and encourage workers to work here be it newer players, foreigners or former South Africans who left due to the PTO. It will not be an easy task as our economy has been hit hard by the PTO but we must always look to the future, look for ways which will give us an unbreakable economy three months from now. This month will see the Minister of Finance, Governor of the Reserve Bank and the Economic council put through their paces as we strive to build a strong economy. Much will rely on their hard work if we wish to prosper.

Population Growth

Every term, the first thing on everyone’s tongue is how we are going to increase our population. We are currently in dire need of some sort of growth as the PTO has devastated our population base. We have seen many players leave due to the disillusionment with the game and their actions with regards the PTO as well as players who left when V2 arrived. Our numbers have diminished and it is now our job to rebuild our country. This term we will look for options to increase our numbers. As South Africans, we have the advantage of knowing which avenues are best to take. However any sort of population growth will be a huge challenge and will require an immense amount of work from the Ministry of Social Development, the Director of Population Development, the presidency and each one of you if we are to make a dent. However that is a challenge, we, as a country, must be willing accept. The internet is always a viable option if coordinated cleverly, as is many different mediums in South African media. Any attempts will be coordinated, thus strengthening our chances of catching babies as they join.

Foreign affairs

The world is in a transition phase at the moment. Alliances are falling apart, and new ones are forming. There are plenty of rumours as to which countries will be forming part of which alliance, this means it is incredibly hard to position yourself. This term will be crucial as it could define South Africa’s position for the coming era of erepublik. It will be required that we make new friendships with countries we may not have in the past but at the same time, we cannot forget those that helped us in the past. We can never and will never forget those nations in the Brolliance and Eden who supported us in our time of need. We would love to stay close to our historical friends and allies although we will try keep our options open as well. We intend on remaining neutral with our Brazilian neighbours following their shift. The Minister of Foreign affairs will have an exciting month as we to find a place in the chessboard that is the new world.

The military

In the last few months, the erepublik War module has changed more times than most care to imagine, and thus the eSAAF has been forced to change its game plan almost monthly. However as the Military module looks to settle, we can start to look to the future and continue the good work the eSAAF has been doing. Tronyx has done a marvellous job over the last few months to maintain the eSAAF during times in which there was no funding. Now that we have our country back, we can look to expanding the eSAAF and return it to its previous highs with the hopes of surpassing them. Under the guidance of the current military staff, we can only see the eSAAF heading upwards.


The dream for any country is to have a close knit cabinet who are willing to work together for their country. This term is no different. The structure of cabinet will stay pretty much the same simply because it is of the utmost importance that everyone knows what they are meant to be doing and consistency does that. However, as always, new blood is key for new ideas.

So these are some of the ideals we believe in and are a few reasons why on the 5th of January, you should mark an X next to Grimstone. We wish all other candidates luck with their campaign.

Vote Grimstone