Coup d'état / Státní převrat

Day 1,591, 05:24 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red Duck
Česky: Přebírám kontrolu nad státem dokud nebudeme mít opravdového prezidenta. Kdo chce pomoci, písněte.

Its very sad day for the Czech republic and for its citizens. We have been occupied by Slovakia and into our congress were elected 4 multies. Activity is on minimum, government or its communication doesnt exist. My question is how we progressed in this term, what goals we have achieved?

Only possible answer is: We havent progressed at all and we achieved nothing.

And sadly for this are not responsible ptoers, foreigners or occupants, but rl Czech presidents.
They promised active politics, preparing on invasion of Slovakia and guide us againist PTO. Instead it their inactivity killed us and our country.

14 days ago I offered to Vladislav Baloun that I will take leadership of country and military unit….I was refused and under his term I became passive witness how is my homeland bleeding. All my wishes and requests were ignored.

I havent forces to take it by own fully because game mechanics and duties in rl, but I have no choice then officially declare coup d'état. This is last chance for president to take his duties responsibly. I am prepared to start represent Czech republic until next presidential elections.

We will need people on contacting newbies, supplying weapons on irc etc...If you want help, please contact me.