Country President

Day 1,197, 12:15 Published in United Arab Emirates Hungary by AngerZsolt

Dear Free UAE Citizens!

New election is coming. We can read you say Resistance! Free UAE! May I ask you why we have 3 parties (of 6) which say about themselves for Free UAE? They have 40 member total. The Russian Take Over Party have only 27. Why are they dominate? Because we are diveded. Voice was the only one who can unite us. But she went Saudi. So we have a country with a lot of free citizen and some Russians.

And the Candite list of Country President:
Cl4trap is -You said- the head of Russians.
Al' Capone is the president now. You say he (and the country now) is russians.
Mr eLego is the last one. Maybe he is a real UAE citizen, he joined to the eRep in January.
Sekorashka hasn't got any article, so I think (S)he is a just for fun candidate.

So Who am I going to vote? 2 russian, a black hole and a greenhorn candidate.

Do you want to see me on the candidate list? 🙂

Comment something please,

KWR😨You said 'I think ABoC party,Cl4trap,Capone etc are cheaters and we need to fought them.' Then why are you prefer Al' Capone?