Country President Platform

Day 921, 05:13 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew
As promised, here's my platform. I know it's a long text, but believe it or not, it has been reduced from its original size. I hope you take some time to read though it all, or at least read the summarized version of each paragraph. Sit tight for the closing article of my campaign, concerning my qualifications to lead this country.

CP goals

My CP Goals have been set conservatively, in order to be reachable, as follows:

Population Growth (5😵 – At the current rate we are getting just below 5%, and we have no region to regain which we could get a boost from. A babyboom, which would result in this goal being exceeded by far, is hard to achieve, but of course work will be done to boost our growth and especially our citizen-retention.

Economic Growth (4😵 – The economic growth is pretty linear with the population growth and unless something special happens it will be very similar.

Military Goal (Keep all our regions) – Not much to say about this one; we don’t have the capacity to expand our country, even less hold a conquered region. Neither should we lose any of our regions, not with our current MPPs and other allies.

Cabinet & Congress

The president is nothing without his cabinet. As the president can’t be a specialist in all aspects, he needs advisors to make his decisions easier. I realize this, will put together a great team and listen to what they have to say. In my cabinet I want a mix of old players with experience and new players with enthusiasm who will work well as a team.

Congress plays a great role and can’t be ignored. A bad relationship between congress and president will only result in an ineffective government and stagnation in our development.

-> Put together a great cabinet to make sure every decision made is the right one.
-> Work closely with congress to govern this country as smoothly as possible.


I have always believed in South Africa having a strong army. Some may argue that we don’t do that big a difference but I have to disagree. We have one of the most powerful armies in comparison to our population size. We must keep our armed forces well-supplied and with all possibilities to do as much damage as possible. We need to do what we can to assist our allies and without funds we can’t do this. I support every military action taken against Phoenix.

-> Make sure SAAF is always in best possible shape, regarding economy and organization.
-> Make decisions to decrease the power of Phoenix as efficiently as possible.

Foreign policy

I’m anti-Phoenix and wish to keep leading South Africa in that direction. However, there are currently three directions we can take; SOL, EDEN and BRO. In my opinion BROlliance is the best choice. There’s where we have our two closest allies; USA and Australia. It’s also a collaboration built on the motto of everyone being equals, which is an ideal I favour in collaboration between nations. We have a lot to thank USA for; our liberation was always prioritized by them, it was largely financed by them and they always supported us. I wish to improve our situation with USA by repaying the favour; this should be done by helping them in their military endeavours and staying loyal to them. This isn’t exclusively for USA; we will of course work on our relationship with other nations and help them, but USA is, at least in my mind, an ally we should treasure.

-> Continue to advance our cause within the BROlliance so that they will accept us in the future.
-> At the same time work with all other nations against our mutual enemy; Phoenix.


There are two aspects to a domestic policy; attracting citizens and citizen retention. Without citizen retention, growth in population is worthless. We saw, and were amazed by, the babyboom in Poland. But 5 months later we see that only 25% of the gained citizens have stayed since their peak.

Attracting citizens from other countries is rather easy. We’re a country with a lot to offer; high wages, a break from the super-power-routine and a place to be someone, instead of one in the crowd. All we have to do is start advertising all of our advantages.

Attracting new players is harder. I will let the brainstorm flow and hopefully see that we can come up with a plan. I have some ideas of my own. They are unpolished diamonds; but with some work we can succeed.

In my eyes, though, player retention is the biggest issue. The biggest reason of new players losing interest is the fact that the first few weeks are plain boring. This is due to them only knowing about one small part of eRepublik; the game itself. By contacting them, introducing IRC and the forums to them, we make them aware of the reason we all have stuck around for so long. But no one wants to put their soul into something without getting anything back. We also need to show them that hard work pays off, this should be done by giving enthusiastic, hard-working, new citizens responsibilities and see how they handle it.

-> Increase immigration by advertising abroad.
-> Work towards a South African babyboom, or at least an increased population.
-> Increase our player retention to keep our gained population.


With the release-date not yet revealed I can’t know whether or not V2 will be implemented during the next term, but preparations are never too early. In my mind there are two aspects, in which we can benefit from preparing; the convert from diamonds to titanium and the new military module.

There will be a huge demand for titanium in V2 and having a lot of land-workers and a lot of diamonds in stock will benefit us. I have a few things in mind which will help us; these should be discussed, adjusted and applied. Information from the next eRepublik Insider about V2 will help us in the decision-process.

With the new military module we will have to change SAAF a lot, and I mean a LOT. Organization will be different, commune-companies will be different; basically everything will have to change. I believe that the more we prepare for this change, the easier it will be when the change actually happens. I want to work close with our military officers to make sure that SAAF is a well-oiled killing-machine right from the start of V2.

-> Work to make sure that the release of V2 serves us in the best way in regards to economy.
-> Make sure SAAF is as prepared as possible for the new military module, as well as the new economic module.

Thanks for taking your time to read this and remember;

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