Countries Come and Go, but Bikinis are Forever

Day 616, 18:47 Published in USA USA by Joey Jackson

As the media and IRC's are flooded by talks of the war, one American news outlet has pulled it's balls out of it's purse and decided to strap them on.

Fox News and Bill (the blubbering vagina) O'Reilly has done the country a favor, for a change, and decided to speak of something relevant: bikinis. To celebrate our great heritage of gratuitous curvaceousness , Bill has invited the knowledgeable and enchanting, Marina Orlova to explain where the word bikini came from.

The Story

The short of it:
Sixty-three years ago, America was flexing it's muscles in the Pacific Ocean, showing the Japanese how huge our nuts are, by dropping some A-Bombs on the Island of Bikini. Some smelly French dude saw this show of strength broadcasting on t.v. at which point he thought: "if I cram some great big chesticles into a tiny bathing suit, people might think I'm as awesome as America. He was wrong. We forgot who invented this great piece of clothing technology until today, but we will give you a small piece of gratitude for your thoughtfulness (by voting this article).

In a way, we have war to thank for the birth of the bikini and all the boner inspiring images the bikini has blessed our eyes with. So when you are down and saddened by this ongoing war, just remember, something sexual with come out of this.

You can take away our land, you can take our freedoms, but you will never take away what makes life great, grandiose amounts of hot babes in skimpy swimwear.

Bikini girl goes carjacking: HERE

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