Cost of Living on the Rise

Day 393, 05:48 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jan Khysl
Cost of Living on the Rise

The Reality Czech
Jan Khysl (17 Dec 200😎

While some may be unaware of the rising cost of living in the Czech Republic, it is certainly painfully obvious for others.

With the disappearance of goods from eGroup eHungary eFood and some of its Czech competitors, a void has been left in the market for low quality food. Everyone has to eat and now the cheapest options are the once uncompetitive CRU Food Company and Delicious snacks.

While the Hungarians could market their products at less than one CZK, the remaining Czech companies are selling at nearly 3 CZK. This wouldn't be nearly as disastrous but with a mininum wage of 2 CZK, paying nearly 3 a day is a recipe for disaster for those working minimum or low wage jobs.

For a company aligned with the far-right Czech Right Union, the company seems to be ignoring the rules of supply and demand. With nearly 700 units on the market, they still charge a rather exorbitant 2,99 CZK.

So what is there for one to do? If you're only pulling in minimum wage try to make ends meet and look for better paying job options as you build your trade and increase your skill. If you can afford it, purchase quality 2 or 3 food as the prices of such food are a better deal than lesser competitors.

This is a problem that can be easily fixed by the government should they choose to interevene. Raising the minimum wage by a mere 1,50 CZK would be enough to allow minimum wage workers to purchase the lowest quality food available on the market daily.