Corperation Evils

Day 490, 14:03 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

I have recently been trialing the forums and have noticed many new players saying that life is hard, there companies cut their pay or thier pay is to low and they can't afford basic Q1 food.

Now I know there are all sorts of things to do like only work in one skill area and focus but really they shouldn't have to choose between trainin or work just to survive. Many are below Wellness 40, I myself am under 40. If a war suddenly broke out then I'd be screwed.
Corperate evils are now at large abroad and are only in it for the money, now theres nothign wrong with a bit of capitalism and I don't want sound like a whinging Socialist prat but the side effects of this Corperate Capital are takin thier toll on the young and the poor.

Thankful I work for a company that in the last week has given me 2 pay rises. Fly Australlia (or indeed the whole Inside Inc.) Has so far been an exception. This is a good thing, but companies like this seem too far and few between to be a driving force. We need fresh buisnessmen/women who remember what it was like as a basic worker fodder and set thier Wages high and prices low.

People buy the cheapest and work for the highest therefore sheer numbers of workers would offset the cheap prices.

"Quantity has a quality all of it's own"- Joesph Stalin