copy[Random Logs #1]

Day 426, 10:49 Published in Norway USA by Inanis

Before I post anything there should be a small foreword. Actually, as soon as I post this log my identity will be revealed and I am more than sure that I will be cut away from any mIRC channels I was admitted to lately. With any luck it will not be very fast, because they will have to examine like a dozen of people to reveal me.

In other circumstances, I would'nt tell anything but personally I despise the idea these people are practising thus i decided to speak now just to show the others what kind of people we have to live with.

16:41 SKratos Could you explain what the hell yo r doin in Norway?
16:41 SKratos I though we agreed on further actions? Didn’t we?
16:42 McWilliams We are doing? lol What are you talking for gods sake?))
16:43 SKratos Come on, don’t play the innocent, we know that you staged PP elections
16:44 McWilliams it was Balash
16:45 SKratos yes, yes you tell me
16:45 SKratos I think it compromises our plans regarding Norway
16:46 McWilliams no
16:49 Coliba in fact everithin goes along the plan
16:50 Coliba Balash was banned, so who cares if he was involved or not. in fact we could think that you are behind it, as Balash isyour man
16:52 SKratos no way. Iranians quarelled with him, so he is outcast now. was actually
16:53 SKratos back to our busines do we still have an accord?
16:54 Coliba just wait a few mins for smif
17:01 *** pescu joined #***
17:04 *** smif joined #***
17:04 pescu good evening…
17:04 SKratos hi
17:04 Coliba hi there
17:05 McWilliams greets.
17:05 smif hello
17:06 smif just to be brief Han talked to Rhevard so peace does not even realize what’s going on there
17:06 smif it’s a god thing as…
17:07 smif we made it clear that we suspect peace s doing TO in Norway
17:08 SKratos but could u tell me what’s going up there now?
17:09 smif look, its not of you concern, we dealt woth Balash and a few of his goons we planned to use for our benefit…
17:10 smif first, we have an ideal curtain to stay behind. If anyone would look into it, we can tell oh wait it was Balash, anyway he is already reborn in a new acc. he’ll get gold to arrange a couple RWs for peaceniks
17:11 SKratos unbelievale okay. Lets say I believe you. how much
17:12 SKratos how much you pay him? lol
17:12 pescu fair deal
17:13 pescu be reassured our men are there and ready, we have contacts in Norway they’ll help
17:14 smif second we have peace talks with PEACE about hungary and russia so I think it might stop them from interfering, and we will stage a few RWs to make sure they stay that way for as long as we need them to
17:16 SKratos brilliant!
17:16 pescu ))
17:17 smif third we left PEACE busy with elections in Bulgaria, they had to use their forces to counteract our scheme
17:19 smif fourth we need these PP, because by winning them we could nominate our candidates and approve - disapprove others
17:20 smif with Balash removed for a while pescu will head the whole thing
17:20 SKratos everythin else is as we planned right?
17:21 smif yes do not forget we need at least 30 people to move in VolgaVyatka and Moscow on Sunday each
17:22 smif we pay
17:22 SKratos i remember
17:24 smif just to reiterate they should build a wall very fast so that we could ask norway to help us, we send our low-ranking soldiers and a few tanks Coliba and mihai be in charge of it
17:25 smif as soon as we past the second phase we will wait for presidential elections
17:27 SKratos i think we should aked you
17:27 SKratos asked you, typo - to pay us 1000 pieces of gold more
17:28 smif no fear it is all feasible you’ll see it
17:28 smif just make sure ypur russian pawns are on the leash
17:29 SKratos we told them to start RW next week in Far East again, it would occupy them