Cookie Party. Party of the Rising Cookie!

Day 606, 02:30 Published in Japan Japan by Ciacho

YES! You have a great opportunity to join the greatest party in the world! Party of Cookies, Party of the Rising Cookie!

Maybe this party is 3 days old, maybe this party haves only 6 members... But we are thee best choice for YOU!
We GIVE free Cookies!
We ARE awesome!
We ARE the Best!
We ARE the Only Truth!
Other PARTIES are a Lie!

Be Awesome and Join Us!

Did you know?
Party President is Iron Chief of eJapan?.
Cookies Party is supported by God of Cookies and Everything that is Cookienish
Writer of this article wanted to do fancy posters with anime characters, but he was too lazy?
I had to write that wrticle 4 times because i logged off every time after i clicked Publish Button?