Continuing with Tradition

Day 1,071, 03:26 Published in USA USA by Onishi

Hello readers. I have things I would like to discuss with you, however I don't have time, so here's some topic titles for you to discuss amongst yourselves and speculate upon my opinions of them.

- Dio Brando
- Congressional Elections

However, on to the important stuff. Remember to subscribe and vote, if you want to see more of this.

Remember, 4 pictures daily, and 16 if I miss a day. Go back through previous articles for more.

Also, if I post the same picture twice, even months from now, the next day I will supply 16 pictures, all dedicated to the first person to point it out. I will also print an advertisement of their choice in this paper.

Also, look back through previous articles for more pictures.

Don't forget to vote and subscribe.