Contest time!

Day 1,585, 12:46 Published in USA Romania by Jorge Salazar

eCanada have a big trouble, unleashed when congress approved an "Unconditional Pardon" for Rolo Tahmasee, a former president who stole about 6000 gold and PTOed 4 political parties.

A lot of strong and respected eCanadians left the country after that Congress decision, other eCanadians just lost faith and become 2 clickers or left the game.

It would be impossible to know if some Congress Members sold their vote for Rolo's Pardon or if it was just a naive and well-intentioned decision.

Anyway, is time to find solutions and Congressional elections are really close. Only a good team of Congress Members working together whit their community can solve this current mess. A mess that isn't only a eCanadian problem. The eUS also have some PTO attacks, much of them based on a Buying votes strategy.


1. To write an article about the problems that "Sell/buy votes" can cause to the country and propose solutions. Paste your article's link as comment.

2. To shout this article to let more people participate.

Text to shout:

More than 30k in prizes

eCanadian or eUSA citizenship required.


1st 20.000 currency

2nd 8.500 currency

3rd 5.000 currency

Deadline: 14:00 eRep time, Day 1588

To win, you should get more votes than the others.
The prize will be sent few hours after deadline. (Just in time to buy some gold and make some upgrades)

P.S. A bigger contest will be released, focused on feasible solutions.