Constitutional discussions and Peace.

Day 290, 10:37 Published in Ireland New Zealand by Final Destiny

Yesterday I asked Congressmen and women to sign the Roll-Call in Open Congress. Found on the [a url=]eIreland[/a] forums. So far only 9 Congressmen have bothered to turn up. If you are a Congressman and don't have access please contact ImaNewbie or Michael Collins for access.

The current proposals in Open Congress are the creation of a Speaker of Congress and the discussions on the Constitution. All who sign up to the [a url=]forums[/a] can see these discussions and are free to comment on them in the public discussion section.

Admins call for World Peace

No not the Pakistan brand but the Pre-April brand. Yep as of yesterday the War Module was shut down. This will continue till V1 is released. Until then what can the government do to help the largely war based industry?

What most countries did before the War Module was to stimulate demand. For example moving tickets sales will rise if Dublin takes a leaf out of London's books and starts up the Transport System to move people out of the overcrowded cities into the less populated areas. What are the benefits? Well less stress on the Mayor's gifting squads in Dublin.

Weapons Companies can be saved by Governments equipping their armed forces ready for the Potential outbreak of war once V1 is released. Hospitals are always going to be in demand due to this as well.

There are many ways to help the local industry during this period of peace. You just have to use your imagination. The economy will take a hit and there will be oversupply but it won't be the end of zee world.

Party Elections

In 5 Days you'll be able to vote for the person who will represent your Party in the General Elections in October. This Leader will also be given the responsibility to choose Local Election Candidates.

Anyone can stand for Party Elections just by clicking one button. So when voting for your new Party Leader be sure to look into their past (Might be a saucy sex scandal or something...) and see if they have written a campaign article.

By default these are usually the boring elections that no one pays attention to. Though I feel they are the most important as it decides who will be leading these Parties for a whole month. (Unless they resign). So turnout is just as important here as it is in the locals and the generals.

-Final Destiny: Congressman of Ireland First