Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire Ratified

Day 651, 06:52 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

政府は次のような 声明 を 出した:

Citizens, soldiers, friends and colleagues of the Great Japanese Empire, it is my pleasurable duty, as your Speaker of Congress and your Minister of Internal Affairs, to inform you that the Imperial Diet of Japan has ratified our constitution as of 5:30 today, September the first. With a vote of 23-7, a 76% approval, well above the required two-thirds majority. The people have spoken. The mandate was heard.

Representative Kita Ikki presents his case for the Constitution

Our Empire will have the guidance of the Constitution to preserve harmonious governance in the future. Likewise it has successfully established the social, moral and philosophical norms of our society that the people may have them held in writing into the ongoing history of our Empire. The rights and duties of Japanese subjects, the responsibilities and powers of their governors and others are all accounted for. The Righteous Nation Philosophy has its place in the document as well.

Speaker Mitsurugi announces the voting

The text of the document is still available in its place on the National Forum here, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs will soon make it accessible to all the people of the world. Through the Nihon no Koe administration and through the Wiki.

But perhaps of the greatest note, of the most immediate impact, and the greatest point of contention for the document, is the ascension of our new Japanese Emperor. For what is an Empire without an Emperor? I will take this opportunity to be the first subject of the Great Japanese Empire to salute His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto. It is traditional to salute him as such: “天皇陛下万歳! 万歳! 万々歳!” (Tennouheika banzai! Banzai! Banbanzai!) meaning “Ten thousand years to His Majesty the Emperor! Ten thousand years! Tens of thousands of years!”

We now eagerly await His Majesty's first speech to the people.

~真理大臣, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Minister of Internal Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK