Consider the Following with Paul Proteus

Day 860, 20:23 Published in Switzerland USA by Paul Proteus

This article of Good-Bye Blue Monday shall be divided into three parts,
-The Swiss Primaries
-Consider the Following

Starting with,
-The Swiss Primaries
As most of you know, once again, I will be hosting the Swiss Primaries on Thursday!

This time their will be more candidates, here is the list of candidates who are so far set up to run,
List is not official, candidates are suspect to change

-Paul Proteus

Like last time, a bio and list of accomplishments will be included in the Primary article 🙂

On to the next section,
Consider the Following

Welcome to CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING, todays portion of Consider the Following will be about Paul's candidature in the Primaries. I am running in the primaries and would love your vote, so consider choosing ME to run in the presidential elections 🙂 More about me, and why you should vote for me will be in the Primaries article 🙂. Everyone who votes for me will receive free ice-cream!

No joke, if you vote for me, PM me and you will receive some in-game food! (Sorta like ice-cream 😛) The earlier you vote, the higher the quality!

Moving on to today's last section,
In the past two days, I have not been as active as usual, yesterday barely logging on to work and train, so here is my explanation. I am on vacation, so you are lucky that I even log on for you suckers at all 😃, I am skiing, and here is a picture I had taken...

Honestly though, it is really beautiful, so I will post some real pictures I didn't find in South Park 😛

(I didn't actually take these, forgot my camera...)



...oops, wrong picture...

Well, that was today's article,

Here is today's anime...

PS: If I run for president, I will probably run with Penguin4512 as my vice, partly because he's respected, smart, yadda yadda yadda, and partly because of this sick picture I just made 😛

...and for your troubles,">Life, The Universe and Everything