Congressman Princefigs

Day 1,132, 10:34 Published in USA USA by Princefigs

Greetings and Saluations friends,

I woke up this morning an eCongressman. I am humbled to be given the opportunity by those that voted for me and entrusted me with their confidence to represent the state/region of the Gulf of Mexico and the eUSA as a whole.

Me, accepting my Congressman medal during my acceptance speech

As I stated in my first previous article announcing my candidacy, I intend on representing the people to the best of my ability. First terms involve a lot of learning but I intend to get involved early and often and push for the things that I believe in and ran my platform on :

- Lowering taxes
- Eliminating government waste
- Government efficiency
- Re-energizing the entire eUS

I may not be able to do everything that the people want done, being a first term Congressman and all, but I will try.

I want to send a special thanks to my Chief of Staff, EdmundPost and to all of those that moved over to G.o.M to vote for me. I will not forget that.
