Congressman for Alabama

Day 393, 18:22 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

Since being born into eRepublik about four and a half months ago I have been relatively inactive re the Politics of the eUSA. I have had my moments, as anyone knows, where I have voiced my opinions on various subjects but, in general, I have left the politics to the politicians. The main reason for that was not that I lacked any interest in the road my eNation was taking but rather it was because I was very actively involved in the Military and felt that as a military leader my main objective should be to support my eNation's policies regardless of what they were. Anything else I was convinced was a conflict of interest.

Because of many things which have occurred in the eUSA over the last couple of months that opinion has changed. I feel it is time to make my voice heard in Congress. And by my voice I mean the voice of the many people who I have heard express dissatisfaction over the way things are moving.

Anyone that knows me knows I go after results. I am not shy when it comes to voicing my opinion and I am not lax when I feel I have been in error to express that error. My thinking is that it is better to admit it, get it over with, and move on.

Our Congress needs people who will represent the desires of its citizens rather than work toward their own goals. Any that know me know that is exactly what I will do.

While I hesitate to rest on past laurels I want to point out some accomplishments. For the recor😛

When I first became an eRepublik citizen I immediately began a program to obtain a hospital for Alabama. I was told Alabama did not need a hospital. I was told that it would never happen. But I refused to take "no" for an answer. I begged, pleaded, posted articles, messaged friends and did never anything I could do. Ultimately - well - you can look at Alabama's info and see the results. Within three weeks of the beginning of my campaign toward that goal Alabama acquired a hospital. Not only did it acquire a hospital, it acquired a Q3 hospital.

As a business owner I am faced with many of the same things that face others: high wages and a sinking economy. However I also have many friends who are "working class" and I can empathize with their situations. Things must change. It is time the government was returned to the People rather than serving any elite few who consider themselves above the "common" man and woman.

In order to ensure my honesty and dedication to the people rather than just to myself I plan to make it clear when ever new legislation might effect a business in which I am involved. The people have a right to know when their political leaders are going to profit from legislation for which they are voting.

Consider my candidacy for Congressman for Alabama in a positive light. You will not be disappointed!


(This is a reprint from an article posted on my website, eUSA and Me

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Thanks, my friends.