Congressman Alaricus

Day 670, 15:20 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

Kind of has a Ring to it, don't you think?

Dear eCanada

First, I think I should tell you a little bit about my eSelf.

In eRep, I was born in Ontario, as a French citizen on Day 627. The epic battle for Ontario had been lost only days before my entrance into this virtual life. All of Canada was taken, and it appalled me. Still does to this day. To think my country could be swiped off the face of this eEarth, is crazy. There I was though, starving, a bit confused, and waiting for my home be returned.

I was a Noob, lol, but I participated to the best of my effort. Learned about the things that needed to be learned. I joined the Canadian Resistance Movement, because the CAF would not accept me at the time(Strength Requirement). I met notable players there, like Banach, Neil III, The Might Zontar, Anomie, along with meeting the Canucks, people like Bruck, Rylde, xin Session, Spencer Mcgee, and others of the same ilk. Currently, the CRM has disbanded, and joined Brucks Canucks, in which I am currently a Platoon Member of the 8th Spartan Airborne.

It was monumental to be a part of the retaking of eCanada. It was slow, but as we took each province, I saw Canadian Spirit return full force. Last election it was clear to me that change was needed, and POOF, a new party was born. The Canadian Progressive Front. I was one of the first to join, and little did I know how big this Political party would become. All very dedicated people working to the best of their efforts for eCanada, and I am proud to be a part of them.

Now I have decided to run in Congress, as a part of the CPF, in New Brunswick.

I am very active, and will vote on each Issue with eCanada in mind, regardless of how I personally feel.

Regarding my views

I believe a hospital should have been given to an east Coast province, evident to that, was when Panda first proposed that Q4. I will try my best to make sure that happens next term. When the Hospital proposal was taken away, I still sort of felt it should have been implemented regardless of the war(because it was so cheap), but to each his own. I also agree with privatized health care, as long as the taxes are still flowing to the government(it is impactive the government receives this money, how do you think we have lasted so long in this war).

I believe in private military organizations, that fight for the good of there country, who are self funnded and in direct communication with the government. It is my belief that without communication, private millitary organizations are moot. This type of structure is very efficient, and evident to that is Romania(on of erepublik's strongest countries)

I strongly disagree with this NAP agreement, as does many eCanadians, eUK is our enemy, and one of the biggest backstabbing countries out there. I think the president should have made it more clear to Canadians before doing the NAP with eUK. Canadians made it clear at the time they didn't want it, but I suppose he thinks he is doing it in the interest of Canada.

Regarding Tantis...

Although I think Tantis should have consulted with his party before doing the Impeachment, I think it was a personal decision, and he knew the consequences of that.

My Journalism

Although this is not really needed, I would like to think myself as a journalist. I think it is good to have a strong paper while in congress, so you can be heard when important issues arise. Yes, I may be overly patriotic, and Dramatic at times, but I think all of my Eden, Fortis, and Canadian Viewers like that. I also provide intel from time to time, which probably helps out the government, no matter how small it may help. I love being a journalist.

In the end...

I am only a month old, but I think I have done some great things in that month. I believe the best way to learn about things are to give it a try, and if you give me that chance at congress, I will not let you down.

PS, Ron Bugrandy Says I am not a 2 Face LOL

PS, I wish all the best for my political rivals who are running for New brunswick,

mrb91 from the Canadian Social Democrats

Basset from the Canadian Paradox Party

EZstreet from the Canadian National Coalition

Frank139 from the Democratic Action League

May the best man and/or Woman win.

VOTE for Me in New Brunswick on the 23rd
Stay Classy Canada,
Alaricus Out.

I Rock!