Congressional Voting Record: Term 1, Week 1

Day 773, 11:36 Published in Canada Canada by 20person

Welcome to my first congressional voting record. I'll be publishing weekly my congress votes both in game and on the forums. They are listed in order.


Alliance with USA
I voted yes.

Peace treaty with China
I voted yes.

Donate 32335 CAD to Revenue Canada
I voted yes.

Alliance with Australia
I voted yes.

Donate 887 FRF to Revenue Canada
I voted yes.

All of the above laws were passed.

Open Door Congress(Forum) votes

Government Bonds Act
I voted yes.

Speaker Elections
I voted yes (There was only one candidate).

Congressional Medal
I chose Spencer Magee.

Defense System Placement
I chose Ontario.

That's the voting record this week. I'll be publishing another one next week.