Congressional Run, 3rd Redux

Day 914, 17:43 Published in Japan Japan by Sugawara Michizane
Fellow citizens,

Queue the epic music

I am Sugawara Michizane, and will be running for my 3rd term in Hokkaido under the banner of the Imperial Sun Party.

Traditional Japanese campaigning

In my time as a citizen and congressman, there is one thing we should all expect from our congress members, and that is activity. This includes putting in the time to view the discussion of congressional votes before voting on the issue (*cough* Q5 Defense System in Seoul incident).

I also extend activity to participation in mIRC chat, forum activity (at least reading the congressional forums), and keeping up with Japanese media. A good congressman need not do all of these things – but I believe a great congressman will. I can safely say I have sustained this level of activity in my two terms thus far.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet, but I assure you that I strive to serve the diet to my greatest ability and in the best interest of the nation. For those who do care, I was for the war in South Korea and am a proponent of holding Seoul: the home of our Q5 DS company.

I have served our nation well these last two months both as congress member and as Minister of Health, and I ask for the chance to serve another term in Hokkaido.

Thank you,

Sugawara Michizane
Congressman, 2 terms
Minister of Health
Vice President, Imperial Sun Party