Congressional Presentation

Day 426, 04:07 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka

Loyal to eCzech - since I joined eRepublik I have always been eCzech and never left!
Loyal to United Slavs - I have never been a member of another party!
Loyal to the Workers! - I have never owned a business, I have always earned by the effort of my own hands alone!

Reward Loyalty! Vote for Franz Kafka!

These are uncertain times and we are surrounded by a region in flux. There are new nations, there are those who are only now recovering their territories such as our brothers in Slovakia, and there are nations whose imperial ambitions remain undiminished.

Thankfully we have been blessed with political stability and skill. Vaclav and now Red Duck are securing peaceful relations with neighbours and abroad large and small.

Nonetheless, agendas are unclear and danger lurks so we need a strong state to protect us from potential danger - but also a caring state that supports and nurtures it's citizens active participation.

I'll not express a view on everything, but indicate my major concerns in each area:

1. Foreign Policy - Support President Red Duck's skilfully negotiated neutrality. Be very careful in the application of MPP as this holds potential to drag us into wars not of our own choosing. Maintain active and ongoing relations with significant and powerful neighbours.
2. Economic - We need public education to take advantage of the new private sector initiative initiated by President Red Duck.
3. Military - we urgently need to invest more in defence. The army development under the current and previous presidential administrations has been good, and means we are ready to respond if greedy eyes fix upon our lands and resources. There has been talk of involvement in 'peacekeeping' and other wars. We must be very careful about this - we do not want to attract unnecessary military attention to ourselves.
4. Political - If possible I would like to see congressional voting made transparent so everyone can see the positions taken by their congressmen/women.

My credentials:
1. Analysis: You will see from my articles that I have a strong purchase on the international political climate. I have personal connections with senior people in governments across the world and will use this to advance more informed debate in Congress.
2. Experience: I am currently Foreign Minister in the Presidential cabinet. This affords me a closer understanding of the President's priorities and I will work to ensure his and Congress's actions are consistent and mutually supportive.
3. Effort: I am a committed worker/proletarian. I have always shunned the opportunity to open businesses, preferring to remain connected with the day to day experience of the ordinary eCzech worker. I have a hard worker medal to demonstrate this.

Vote for a stronger and more caring eCzech! Vote for United Slaves! Vote for me!