Congressional Platform

Day 424, 10:12 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jan Khysl

Congressional Platform

The Reality Czech
Jan Khysl (17 Jan. 2009)

I've been a citizen of the eCzech Republic for nearly two months now. During this time, I've been active in both the media as a citizen and as a member of the government as the current Minister of Social Welfare. My proudest achievement has been my newspaper, the Reality Czech, where I have tried to bring attention to flaws in our economics, inactivity among members of the government, and most recently the suspicious election of Juan Ameri as party president of the Czech Right Union. In the following article, I will address my political and economic platform.


When it comes to economics, I support "logical taxation." I believe that industries where there are many Czech competitors should be protected by high tariffs but in industries where there are few or none Czech companies we should welcome foreign competition. While our native Czech investors can still make money to support their companies, citizens will still have the ability to buy goods not produced in the eCzech Republic at a reasonable price.

At an earlier point, I was in favor of a minimum wage rate that was fixed to the price of q1 food. As of now, I have abandoned that belief. Trying to fulfill my role as the Minister of Social Welfare, I have been trying to find a way to balance minimum wages with citizen fees and the cost of living. So far it has been difficult as it is hard to balance as one comes at an expense of business and the consumer while the other comes at an expense to the government and taxpayer.


When it comes to the eCzech Republic's place on the world stage, I am a strong supporter of neutrality. In the ever escalating conflict between Atlantis and Peace, I think we would do best right where we are: out of it. I support the signing of NAPs with neighboring countries and our recent alliance with Poland but I think this is not enough. I believe that the NAPs should be negotiated with both Atlantis and Peace, in the hopes that we will forever be spared from this conflict.

At home, I am a member of the United Slavs party. There was a time when I was a member of the Czech Right Union, but I abandoned the party as I found the US's more liberal view to the world as not only refreshing but more fitting to my own ideology. At the voting booth, I've occasionally crossed party lines. During the last congressional election, I voted for finsoldier, a member of the CRU, as I found his activity and actions in Congress as admirable.


The congressional elections are usually not tight and everyone who applies for a seat is awarded one. It looks like this may not be the case this month as it seems there is an influx of people applying. When you vote, come the 25th, you may very well guarantee whilst denying a seat in Congress to someone. This election may very well count, so never forget: vote.