Congressional Platform

Day 1,130, 10:16 Published in USA USA by CaptJustice

Hello loyal followers and other readers, I will be writing you today to ask for your support in by bid for reelection. I am running for my 4th term in Missouri.

I have been around for a long time now, almost 500 days of erepublik, but none of this time has been nearly as valuable and meaningful as my past few terms in congress. I have met a ton of awesome people, and helped our nation prosper.

I ask that you give me the opportunity, nay the privilege of continuing this service.

In my next term I will do the following:

- I will continue my duty as one of three IES Agents (Immigrations Enforcement Subcommittee)
In this role I vet and screen all applicants for US Citizenship and, along with Director of IES Glove
and my fellow agents, determine who is safe to allow entry.

- Increase newspaper usage. I will detail the workings of congress, to keep the People in touch with what we do through at least one article a week.

-Continue mentoring. With the US Mentor program I have instructed and aided many new players, even fronting food or MT's out of pocket in some cases.

And many other areas of the game in which I take part, most of which are too numerous or, in some if not all cases, too unimportant to detail here. 😛

Thank you for your support, and best of luck to my opponent Arcnox.

My Current Positions:
-3x Congressman in Missouri
-Lieutenant, US Mobile Infantry
-Lieutenant, US SAC
-Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee (IES) Agent
-FEC worker
-Federalist Bureau Investigation (FBI) Agent
-US Mentor Program mentor


PS: As a Lieutenant in the Mobile Infantry, I must encourage you to

And if you want a more personal military experience, join the Federalist Militia, Easy Company