Congressional Platform: Tarik ibn Ziad for Ohio

Day 517, 11:08 Published in USA USA by Tarik Ibn Ziad

Enclosed, please find my political platform. The information can also be found at my personal website. Feel free to ask me any questions, I am glad to sit and chat about policy. Over the upcoming week, I will provide more details regarding various topics within my platform. The updates will be provided on my website as well as newspaper articles through the Haliaeetus Institute.

Representative Philosophy:

1. Uphold the ideal of representative democracy

2. Multiple clear lines of communication

3. Consensus building based upon constituent’s opinions

4. Ensure Ohio’s Voice rings clearly

I ardently respect the political philosophy of representative democracy and believe it is the foundation of our great nation’s success. Although our opinions and philosophy may vary, the people’s consensus is inherently more important and should be the driving force behind policy decisions. Although I am affiliated with a party, my responsibility is first and last to the people of the Great State of Ohio. Therefore, I wish my decision making in office to reflect the consensus of the people. This can only happen through open dialogue and consensus building.

Along those lines, I believe it my duty to provide the tools to allow you, my constituent, to actively engage me whenever you like. Therefore, I plan to utilize the following tools to ensure your easy and direct access to voice your opinion: regularly review and reply of all PM messages (in game and on forums), regularly update newspaper articles, blog site where you can interact and critique policies, regular forum participation, and regularly scheduled IRC times (open door policy). Through the active engagement with you and congress, I will ensure your and Ohio’s voice clearly rings through the clamor of the national stage.

Political Philosophy:

1. Winning eRepublik

I passionately love my country. I believe we are the best of nations, founded upon the truest of ideals and the voice and labor of unsurpassed individuals. Nothing is more important to me then the ultimate success of our great nation. Through my newspaper readings, conversations, and forum activity, I have realized it can be difficult to define success, or winning, in eRepublik.

For me, it is defined by the sole domination of the international stage by the eUS. Although many a nation may strive and become an international power, I believe becoming the sole dominant power to be more difficult. Above all other nations, I believe the eUS has the greatest potential to fulfill the ideal of complete domination. I further believe international success is intimately interwoven with local and domestic policy. Although some nations may dominate without addressing domestic factors and mechanics, these factors provide the edge to dominate eRepublik. Furthermore, I believe, with a strong domestic foundation, becoming one of the international powerhouses will be easier to attain and sustain.

Therefore, in order to attain national success and fulfill our inherent patriotic responsibility, we must strengthen our nation and create a strong foundation before moving to the next stage. Fortunately, no other nation understands these imperative like the citizens of our great nation. I believe we have taken the right steps to ensure a strong foundation, but we are not there yet. With your help, I hope to actively address these gaps and ensure our victory.

Along these lines, my policy stances reflect this inherent political philosophy. I view all issues in light of our ultimate goal and the need for us to efficiently and quickly move towards this end-point.

Political Opinions


1. One of the Primary mechanism for World Dominance

2. Inherently enjoyable part of eRepublik

3. Expensive endeavor, both offensively and defensively
a. One of the main expenses of nations

4. Real wars have inherent risk
a. Must be undertaken with adequate planning.
b. Need sufficient resources to wage effectively.
c. Need effective soldiers and organization schemata for them
d. Strategic think tank to develop strategy for various military goals and identify economic,
diplomatic, and military steps to fulfill said goals.

5. Regular RW are imperative to our success
a. Economic driver
b. XP gains
c. Rank gains
d. Practice strategy for real wars


1. Primary tool by which wars are waged

2. Promote enlistment by all eUS citizens of fighting age

3. Sufficient weapon and health support for all branches
a. Collection of data to identify which split of weapons is most economically efficient (Total
damage/Total gold spent)

4. Recognition of the specific roles of each branch of the military


1. War is one of the primary economic drivers.

2. Believe in government contracts with private firms
a. Funnel money back to private sector, and individual players (company and individuals get paid
b. Provides demand to maintain specific sectors of the market

3. Believe we should strive for resource independence
a. This will take war, which we are not ready for

4. Promote exportation of goods to bring in foreign money into eUS economy


1. Individuals know best how to spend their own money for their personal gain

2. This game has two gameplay dynamics: individual and nation

3. Taxes are the primary revenue stream for nations

4. Need to stockpile resources for defensive wars and offensive wars
a. Without such stockpiles, we are at a disadvantage and may loose
b. If we allow individuals to purchase weaponry when battles begin, we will have less TOTAL
Weapons/TOTAL Gold spent (due to natural supply v demand forces)

5. Ensure a sufficient amount of money is returned to the populace through military armament
a. Imperative that eUS citizen are active in the military to have a return in their investment

Foreign Policy:

1. Think tank to create diplomatic policies with end-game goal in mind

2. Ambassador training, with strong vetting process

3. Establish diplomatic relations with all countries

4. Maintain relations with Atlantis
a. We derive a tremendous benefit from this relationship
b. Allows us a protective umbrella to stabilize and grow
c. Once we have our domestic policy and engine in place, we can address our role in Atlantis

5. Concerned about the game creating an eUN
a. Believe we should provide input into mechanics
b. Need to ensure it does not monopolize the international stage or becomes a puppet of a single
nation or alliance.


1. Love the Buckeyes as a transplant to Cleveland, my daughter's birthplace

2. If Texas could defeat the Trojans (using one player) in a BCS bowl, then there is no doubt OSU
will win this year

3. September 12, 2009: Ohio State thrashes USC (and hopefully I will be tailgating in Columbus
with a few friends.)

4. Go Buckeyes!!!

Tarik Ibn Ziad
USWP Congressional Candidate for the Great State of Ohio
eUS National Guard, 2nd Division, 2nd Platoon