Congressional Happenings - Virginia

Day 578, 07:57 Published in USA USA by Dmalicious

This is my fifth voting record. The last and final record for my current term shall be on June 25 - election day.

In Game Votes

Donate foreign reserves to CBO
Vote: Yea
Reason: Exchange foreign currency for gold for later use

Tax changes on wood
Vote: Nay
Reason: This proposal violated congressional procedure, prompting an automatic nay vote

Donate foreign reserves to CBO
Vote: Yea
Reason: Exchange foreign currency for gold for later use

Print Money
Vote: Yea
Reason: To keep the currency at its current 1:0.02 exchange rate

Donate USD to CBO
Vote: Yea
Reason: June Budget passed

Raise citizen fee
Vote: Nay
Reason: Lulz proposal

Donate USD to CBO
Vote: Yea
Reason: June budget passed

Forum Votes
Note: Links will not be posted and votes pertaining to issues of national security will not be addressed

No forum votes were addressed between June 16 and June 20

Congressional Happenings

As election season forms itself in full swing, more and more senators - including myself - have to focus less on the issues and more on our campaigns. There has been a dearth of new proposals in the last few days as it is unlikely there will be adequate time for full debate on any particular issue before election day.

I must say that the American Health Foundation has been a huge success thus far, raising over $1600 for the funding of a new Q5 hospital for the eUSA. This has been my main project as of late, and it has been an honor to serve alongside senators Cerb (USWP - NY) and Thomas. Anderson (USWP - CA) in the management of this monumental project. I am confident that by the end of the summer, the AHF will be christening a new Q5 hospital in one of the 49 eUSA territories that doesn't have one. Who knows, maybe it could even be Virginia!

Thus far I have kept all my campaign promises to you, the Virginian voter: I have been accountable. I have been open and transparent, publishing my voting record and activities on a 5 day basis. I have always voted with you, not myself, in mind and have even asked for your input on certain divisive issues. I have not proposes or voted yea on any lulz proposals and have encourages my colleagues in congress to do the same.

Five days from now it will be time to replicate the success of my first term. So Virginia, I ask you to send me back to congress on June 25th.

Remember to vote Dmalicious - Vote for a Common Voice in Congress!

Your senator,