Congressional Elections [Insert region here]

Day 1,310, 18:34 Published in Norway USA by graduallynevele

Sup, Norwegianers. I'm back in action as a near-full fledged eNorwegian, yet again, only really clinging to the USAF Special Forces in the States.

Invasions are awesome! Right?

I'm writing to inform you that when we regain a region, I intend to run for Congress through the Teknokratene in whatever region (if not more!) that be. It's been a long time since I've been in Norwegian politics, but as a 3x Norwegian Congressman, as well as a past Norwegian President, I feel more than qualified and ready to assist in every way I can.

I'm an active player:

I fight and work daily; I read the media; I frequent IRC; and I talk to people. Send me message or a friend request!

I can work to the best of my ability to continue to help pull Norway out of the clutches of Estonia and Lithuania to reestablish ourselves on the European continent.

EDEN and Terra, both, are working together to ensure every nation that can will get to hold elections on the 25th.

We can do this.

If elected, I will continue to work afterwards with other members of Congress, in game and out (IRC, forums), and President Mazarino to ensure the success of our country. Cooperating with Finland and the rest of EDEN militarily is one of my largest priorities in order to not only push back the Baltic countries, but to ensure our MPPs and deployments are used to the best of their ability in assisting other fallen nations such as Italy, France, and Greece.

I can be found in game or on IRC, pretty easily. Send a message, as I've already said. I'm open to questions, all you want!

Thanks for your vote. 🙂