Congressional Election Season Extravanganza/Congressional Update

Day 762, 20:24 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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In this article:
Congressional Endorsements
This Month In Congress
Guess what? I'm not running this month!
Congressional Rankings- The 24th Congress
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Congressional Endorsements

I have to be honest here, I have paid as much attention to the Congressional election season this month because I'm not running. But I still have two endorsements to make.

The first is probably the one person that I most want to see in Congress, but he has yet to be elected. That person is none other than Patches O'Houlihan, whose platform can be found here. Patches is, as I said last month, an incredibly active member of the eUS. He is one of the more talkative people on the forums, both eUS and USWP, and he makes intelligent posts. He knows a lot about how this game works, and, if he doesn't know something, he isn't afraid to ask. I am sure he will be an active, as well as friendly, member of Congress.

The second person I am endorsing this month is Herrn Sterling. He has been a great freshman senator this term, and I definitely feel that he should be re-elected. He has been active, but has not been one of those people who feels that they know more than the senators who have been around for a long time. On the Congressional rankings (which I'll discuss again later), he scored a 3.7, higher than the average of 3.5. He was very easy to work with, and is running in Vermont again. His platform can be found here.

This Month In Congress

Yeah. It's been a busy and not-so-great month for me, both here and IRL. So let's do a brief recap: November 27, I get back home after visiting family for Thanksgiving. I hadn't checked the forums at all on the 26th, so i came online and found two pretty major things that required immediate attention: nominating/voting for a Speaker of the House, and voting to join EDEN. I won't make this article longer than it already is going to be, so if you would like to know about how and why I voted on the EDEN issue, wait for the voting records article I should be publishing soon.

As for SoH...I missed the nominations due to being away and then updating myself on other stuff when I came back. When it came down to the vote, it was down to two candidates, Jude Connors and Serendipitous. At the time, I thought that they were evenly matched, and that either would be good for that position. Thinking that, I made the absolute wrong decision. Congress is not a place where you tend to regret voting a certain way, but I did. I decided to flip a coin to pick who I would vote for (advice for aspiring congressmen: NEVER DO THAT), and ended up voting for Serendipitous. It was the wrong decision, I have definitely regretted it this month, especially with the drama that followed. But, that's done with and does not need to be expounded upon further. Just let this be a lesson to future congressmen: if you don't know, abstain.

After that, Congressional committees were reorganized, the Congressional Outreach Program was created, a media prize called the Flufferton Foundation was created, and a new budget was passed. Then came the Japan war declaration. This was an essential piece of a larger plan, one which we are now seeing carried out. It caused quite a bit of controversy with cries of imperialism; nevertheless, I voted yes. It also caused controversy with congressmen (and one congresswoman) who voted no being interrogated about their decision on the forums. Or, more accurately, the two who were brave enough to speak up and admit they had voted no. For some reason, there are some on the forums who cannot accept when a person has given a reason for a vote, they don't want to have to explain themselves twenty times. What I have to say to that is: you may disagree with somebody's reasoning, but if they have explained themselves, do not harass them endlessly by saying that their reasons are "not enough" or that they are "dodging the question".

Not much major in the legislative branch after that. A lottery was created, only passing by a narrow margin. Alliances and donations were made. A proposal to change Congressional procedure to allow votes to be suspended was heavily debated, and one version ended up passing, which essentially allows the SoH to suspend voting, but also allows Congress to vote to restart voting. Although it did not include a provision to allow Congressmen to suspend voting (a "filibuster" option), it is still a useful piece of legislation.

That's about all I can remember off the top of my head about Congress. I would like to apologize to my voters if you feel I have let you down this month. In the beginning, I feel that I was doing exactly what I needed to do. I was more active than I have been in the past, even though I did not make the best decision on the SoH vote. Then, RL hit me. Hard. I know that I have basically dropped back to inactive this past week, for which I apologize.

Don't Vote For Me On Christmas!

For that reason (RL), I am not running for Congress this month. Between what has happened this month, Christmas, and high school midterms coming up next month. Congress is not a possibility. I would like to thank all the people who have voted for me the past three elections, and all those who have supported me, especially Devan Kronos.
Look for me to return next month!

Congressional Rankings

Because it is the end of the Congressional term, CnB has published a rankings article for this month. The top scorer month, with 4.9 out of 5, was sydiot, followed by Rheinlander von Phalz and St Krems, each with a 4.5. I personally scored a 3.6, and the average score was a 3.5. No Congressman scored lower than a 2.3.

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Epic article, done.

Signing off for the night,