Congressional Election Results July 2009

Day 614, 03:13 Published in Philippines Philippines by Reclusive Monkey

After the rosettes have been discarded, the banners fallen from their lofty height and the babies finally recovered from unwanted kisses we can look at the results that came in;

Regional Statistics
By my calculations, which are not perfect, there were 230 people eligible to vote in these elections. There were 118 votes casts, giving a 51.50% voter turnout. This figure is most likely higher as some of the eligible voters will be inactive/banned. The largest single votes went to Ariel David Buena and myself with 8 each. The largest number of votes cast in a region was 45 (from a possible 69) in Visayas, a 65.22% turnout. The best voter turnout in a region was Mindanao with a fantastic 86.21% (25 out of 29). Palawan was close with 74.29% (26 out of 35) and Luzon was some way behind with a rather poor 22 out of 97 (just a 22.68% turnout).

Party Statistics
The largest number of candidates fielded was by the Filipino Progressive Movement with a total of 27. They also claimed the largest number of seats with 17, a success rate of 62.96%. The best success rate was the Kilusan ng Makabayang Pinoy who got 13 of their 15 candidates in, an impressive 86.67%. Next was the Philippines for the Filipinos with 7 out of 13 members in (53.85😵, then the Communist Party - Philippines with 2 out of 5 (40😵 and brining up the rear was the latest party The New Beginning with 1 out of 3 (33.33😵.

Well done to everyone concerned, some people were surprised at the reaction to a new party arriving right in the middle of the elections. Everything turned out ok because of a lot of hard work, effort and co-ordination between the coalition parties, not through complacency. I'm not going to mention names because I am bound to miss someone out, but much thanks to all the Party leaders and everyone who helped out. Also a big thank you to everyone who voted as this really is all about you and not us. I hope next month's elections build on what we have established this month.

The "Duke of Data", Reclusive Monkey