Congressional Approval Ratings : Poll

Day 1,156, 22:57 Published in USA USA by Princefigs

Yeah, thats my name on her mad?

Short and simple article today :

I am going to start a Congressional Approval Poll that will show the countries approval rating of Congress as a whole and specific Congressional decisions.

This is a poll that I will be sending out to everyone in the country with hopes that as many people as possible will fill it out honestly each month. Its a big task, so , I am looking for volunteers to help me in this endeavor. Please PM me directly if you wish to get involved.

The end goal of this program will be to give Congress specific feedback on the perception of the job that they are doing and allow you, the citizen, to critic them on the job they are doing.

I will be making sure that Congress gets these results each month. I am asking for your help to make eAmerica better. Please fill out the questionnaire as honestly and completely as possible. Then, shout it out to everyone, link it in your newspapers, and throw the link out on IRC. Lets get everyone involved to help make eAmerica a better place.

Without further ado' here is the link to the first ever Congressional Approval Poll :
