Congressional and Presidential Elections

Day 581, 16:26 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Whispering Elizabeth

Hello fellow Singaporeans. As you all know I'm currently a congresswoman and am also the new Vice President of eSingapore. I am honored that the citizens of eSingapore were confident that I would do a good job am I am hoping that you have the same amount of confidence in me now as I'm running for re-election.

I am also grateful that President John Jay has recognized my efforts in helping eSingapore thrive and has chosen me as his new Vice President. With that said I would like to formally announce the John Jay/Whispering Elizabeth ticket for July.

When voting on proposals I have always voted for the choice that was going to help make eSingapore better and am always encouraging the citizens of eSingapore to visit irc and the forums so their voices can be heard. Every citizen counts and every citizen's opinion matters. I will always be available to listen to any citizen's concerns and assist in any way I can.

I have also learned alot about RL Singapore in these past few months. I have researched Singapore's history and have spoken to many RL Singaporeans about their culture. I have developed a deep appreciation and fondness for RL SIngapore and that definitely translates to eSingapore. I hope to visit RL Singapore one day, eat at a hawker center, and possibly even try sambal stingray.

I know how important it is for all eSingaporean citizens to unite for the good of the country. I hope that when you see my name on the congressional ballot and see the John Jay/Whispering Elizabeth ticket on the Presidential ballot, you'll know that these names represent people that have what is best for eSingapore on their minds and in their hearts.