Congressional Anarchy: Triumvirate

Day 853, 21:28 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

Currently taking applications for the pillar role ^

Greetings People of the United States!
I, CivilAnarchy of the Socialist Freedom Party, am hereby declaring intent to gain the office of Congressmen of the United States of America from the Great State of New Jersey.

This will be my third term in Congress, all of which have begun in the State of New Jersey.

Now some quick qualifications.....
- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Current Congressmen of New Jersey (2)
- Sponsor of the Small Party Union
- Member of the Government Oversight Subcommittee
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Inter-party Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Former Congressmen to the Internationale
- Former Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Former Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry

I'll keep this short and simple

- The ability for a citizen of the eUnited States to be provide for themselves is something that is not to be infringed upon.
- Economic Attack is a possible means of harm against the US, we should put some focus towards it.
- The creation and maintenance and 0 skull job hubs is a must, and are a valuable tool towards retention in the United States.

- Defense > Offense
- The military creates active citizens, under no circumstances should that be changed.
- We're going to need to create a stockpile of supply for the coming of V2, to ensure that our military capability as a country suffers no respite due to the game changes.

- Leaving Eden: Terrible idea for the moment. Doing do we leave us open to attack, and screw over damn near every ally we currently have. Lets not be the second UK, mkay?
- Eden problems: There are a ton of them, problems we need to work towards. One of the major goals of Congress next term should be finding solutions to the organization and cooperation problems of Eden.

- Small Parties create active players. Emphasis towards these parties should be increased.
- Government cooperation with the new Small Party Union.
- Partisanship in the media: Lets get some fights going! The Imperialists should fight with others on the political stage. There should be a fistfight between the Republican and Socialist Freedom Parties, politically. Once in congress, let it go. But out of government, parties should be more adamant with their beliefs.

More elaboration on these ideas can be found here:

So remember - Its going down.
Your comp
March 25th
New Jersey
Vote CivilAnarchy for the Triumvirate of Anarchy!