Congressional Anarchy: Renaissance

Day 819, 18:28 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

The Renaissance of Congressional Anarchy

I, CivilAnarchy of the Socialist Freedom Party, hereby declare my intent to seek the office of Congressmen for the United States of America. After a month away from office, and an overwhelming defeat in Arkansas, I have reemerged to run once again.

Now, for my qualifications:
- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Former congressmen of New Jersey
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Interparty Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Congressmen to the Internationale
- Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry

Whats a congressmen without plans!?!

Above all, erepublik is a social game. Sure war plays a large part, but socialization is truly the thing that people participate in here. From talking with fellow military comrades, to party members, to a random troll in #usa-chat, this game thrives on social interaction. The 5 clicks of fighting only last so long. Therefore, we need to focus on creating a better social environment for the players of this game, in order to keep them here and improve retention. Many people in this country seem thoroughly convinced that the only way to increase retention is to attempt to kill each and every country that has attacked us before. I plan on proving that wrong.

New Player Education

If you don't know how to play this game, it'll suck. Therefore, we need to do everything possible to ensure that new players not only have access to the information needed, but that we're actively pushing them towards it. To do so, a few things can happen.

Advertisement: The usage of the erepublik advertising module to direct new players to a complete guide of the information required to get a good start to this game. This would require around 10-20 gold per day, and due to that, may be ruled out simply due to cost. A test period should be implemented, along with a quick survey of new players to see if it had any effect, or if the effect would be substantial enough to justify the usage of 10-20 gold.

Party Education: The best people to train new players are those that stand to gain from it. If a party can educate a new player, then that player has an increased chance of staying with that party. In this situation, you are not only strengthening the parties of the eUs, but educating new players at the same time. In order to begin this, representatives should be sent to parties without adequate educational programs to assist that party in strengthening their program. These representatives can either be from Congress, or be volunteer party members who have expierence with their own educational programs.

Company Owner Involvement: How many people reading this we're helped, or befriended by, the owner of the company of their first good job? Its quite common, and its beneficial to both parties. The company owner has a more loyal and friendly worker, and the worker now has a person they can direct their questions to, along with some economic support as well. Congress could devise a program to encourage these owners of companies to take more incentive, either by educating them of the benefits, or more direct incentive.

Expansion of the IES Subcommittee: As a former member of the IES subcommittee, I've seen firsthand the capability it holds for the United States. On top of focusing on player retention and recruitment of new players, this is the third best option for population expansion in the eUnited States. The use of this committee not only allows for more immigrants to be admitted citizenship into the United States (already checked out of course) it trains people to look for suspicious people. This results in more citizens of the eUs being able to spot out a PTO, increasing our awareness of this threat, while at the same time allowing for increased population growth. The expansion of this committee is a necessary. Its use can greatly help the eUs, and its an opportunity that should not be taken lightly.

Social Enhancement
This game is a Social Game, as mentioned above. We have to make it more like that. The country is becoming more and more extroverted, and obsessed with outside wars. We've been having these wars, and although they should have increased our player retention rate, it hasn't. We're still on the decline.
During his last presidential campaign, PiginZen threw out a few ideas that were supposed to better the social climate of the eUs. These programs were supposed to make the game "more fun."
Although many of these ideas were....outright insane(the fun police), the idea behind it was positively brilliant. We do need to combat a little boredom in the country, and there are various ways to do that without going completely overboard.
insane in a good way PiZ

Partisanship: The political climate of the eUnited States is incredibly BORING. There is virtually no debate, no conflicting viewpoints, and the only time where things are interesting is during elections. The Americas Advancement Party, an obvious far-left party, should clash with the Democratic Republican Party, an obvious right party. Political ideologies should clash with each other, whether it be in the media or in congress itself. Debate is healthy, it does not destroy a country. Its even fun when you can do it right! Yet all we have in this country is people that have virtually the same viewpoint, pushing for no individual party gains(besides congressional seats) and are in a state of virtual agreement. I've had quite a few arguments in #imperialist without it turning bad, and in the media as well. Partisanship, in moderation, is healthy for our society, and allows for high level policy to rise above the mass of legislature that we have currently.

Erepublik Holidays: Admittedly, this is one of the more...out there policies I thought of. This is the use of Congress approved holidays to get the populous of the eUs doing something. These holidays can be weekly, monthly, ect, depending upon congress decision.
Construction Day - A day where each eUs citizen is asked to donate 1$ to a specific organization. This money is then used to buy either hospitals or defense systems to be spent purchasing defensive systems, or hospitals, for lower priority eUs states or territories.
Income Tax Removal Day - The eUnited States is notorious for having some of the highest income taxes in the eWorld, so how about one day where we fix that? The procedure would go as followe😛 Congress approves a certain day to be "Income Tax Removal Day" or "Income Tax Return Day". Lets say Day 700. On day 698, at approximately 11:55-11:58, one congressmen will propose to change the income tax to 0%. On 11:55, day 699, the tax will drop to 0%. Immediately after this, congress will propose to return the income tax to normal levels, allowing for a 24 hour period where there are no income taxes in the nation. This will give the citizens of the eUs a little break, while ensuring the loss of the eUs government is minimal.
Real Life Day: A day where people are encouraged to write articles about real life events, aspects, ect. This is to promote activity in the eUs media, along with allowing people to get to know themselves a bit better.
Troll d.....ahem. International Media Humiliation Day: An enemy country will be picked, and citizens of the eUnited States will be encouraged to...visit the medias of these countries, or publish articles of their own in the medias of other countries. Citizens will be encouraged gear their comments towards more humorous or negative commentary.

Onward to the stuff that I have really no control over but would still like to give some opinions on -

Taxes: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The taxes of the eUs should be balanced between the needs of the citizen, and the needs of the government. Never should this balance be abused, nor should a citizen be unable to support himself due to these taxes.

Government Companies/0 Skill Hubs: 0 skill hubs are a necessarily program for every country in the eWorld, in order to ensure that new players can get started working. If elected, I would support programs educating the people working at these companies, and support expanding these companies into full education centers, rather than them just being job facilities, and use them to increase the overall education of new players, and hopefully result in making more new players stay.

Market Stability Acts: There have been times in the history of the eUS where we have been attacked. Nearly every Congressmen has an obligation to ensure the stability and safety of their country in any way that they are able to from their position. Not too long ago, there was an attempt on the economic stability of the eUS. If re-elected, I will work towards the creation of programs to predict, and more accurately prevent these types of attacks. To add onto our current protection and create total market security. The people in charge of this branch could range from simple market researchers, to diplomatic Congressmen predicting the next hit.

The eUnited States is currently involved in a series of revenge wars that Eden is waging against Phoenix, or former PEACE, powers. At this stage, anti-imperialism is no longer an option. What is done has been done. All we have to do now is be smart about our next moves. Keep in mind the mistakes of Russia, Indonesia, Hungary, ect. during World War Three. Diplomacy is still an option, never forget that.

I'm going to be running with the USWP for Congress in the Great State of New Jersey so remember...

Vote for CivilAnarchy on the 25th! Congressional Anarchy for all!