Congressional Anarchy: Reclamation

Day 910, 22:23 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

Greetings eUnited States of America!

I, CivilAnarchy, of the Socialist Freedom Party, hereby declare my intention to run for the Congressional seat in the State of Colorado, under the American Progressive Front!

After suffering a defeat at the hands of Fionia and the APF in the state of Florida, I spent the last month:
- Working alongside the Socialist Freedom Party
- Displaying myself as Deputy Secretary of Interior, which I am greatly thankful to President Harrison Richardson for placing me in.
- Organizing and Administrating the REACH program.
- Coordinating the SFP Elections, and assisting TAMA with organizing their own.

Here's what I think qualifies me to be a member of Congress.

- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Deputy Secretary of the Department of Interior
- Director of the REACH Program
- Former Congressmen of New Jersey (3)
- April 2010 and May 2010 Presidential Candidate
- Former Chair of the Government Oversight Committee
- Sponsor of the Small Party Union
- SFP Elections Coordinator
- Former Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Former Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Former Editor of the Congressional Paper
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Interparty Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Former Congressmen to the Internationale
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry (Para-Military Organization)
- Member of the eUs Army
- eUs Mentor

Instead of placing all of my policies here, I'll provide a breakdown, as well as links to the full version.

Military/Foreign Affairs
Military Funding - I support an increase in funding for the Military, in the situation that the funds be reasonably allocated to Retention boosting military programs, such as the Training Corps, or Office of Militia Support.

Diplomacy: 1. I support an expansion of the Brolliance. Many argue that the meaning of the Brolliance will be diluted if we expand it, and its a very valid concern. We do not want to become Eden, and will not risk our love with Canada. Nothing is worth that.
However, it is possible to expand the Brolliance without losing what it stands for, which can be easily seen by the introduction of Australia, Ireland, and Japan into the fold.
We just need to ensure the Brolliance does not become like Eden or Phoenix. If that does not happen, we have our Strong Alliance, with all the Bro Love intact.

2. Eden Alignment is the foreign policy that I stand for in regards to super alliances. For the time being, the eUs will not be joining another Super Alliance, as per declaration by President Harrison Richardson. I support alliances with the majority, if not all, of Eden powers, but not official membership in Eden. The amount of maneuverability given by our current status in invaluable to our military progress in the world, as well as our removal from the bureaucratic processes, and fall backs of leadership that we encountered while a member of Eden.
As long as we remain allies to those who have remained true to us, and fight against those who have taken their hands against us, we shall survive.

3. Destroy Phoenix. I will not support any negotiations with Phoenix, as an alliance. If individual powers, independent of Phoenix Motives, wish to negotiate, they will need to take a stance of neutrality, or at least show interest in non-alignment with Phoenix.

Taxes: The needs of the government and the wellbeing of its citizen must be balanced in order for taxes to operate efficiently.

Social Programs
I support -
Government Transparency, through the use of public records of governmental operations, in order to increase the individual citizens interest and knowledge towards their government;
Party Education, the use of Political Parties to increase retention and activity in the eUs;
Government Endorsed Companies, increasing the competitiveness of companies that are notable producers of active new players;
All programs run by the Department of Interior, most notably REACH, all of which help greatly augment the Recruitment, Retention, and Activity of the eUs.

If you'd like to look at elaboration, and much longer platforms, check out these
Presidential Platform
Congressional Platform


The eUs Citizen Outreach and Recruitment Program!
Learn how to recruit new people to the game with great efficiency, as well as earning tons of gold in the process!
Help the eUs gain the population it needs to secure itself in the New World.
To join REACH, simply send me a PM, and I'll send the information you need.
Join REACH. Get Referrals. Get Money. Make the eUs Epic.

Endorsements as of yet
American Progressive Front

When you vote for me in Congress, you're not just voting for a Candidate.
You're voting for the creation of an Active Congress.
You're voting for making the eUs Stronger.
You're voting for Radical Changes, for Radical Benefits.

This way! Towards Progress!