Congressional Anarchy!

Day 760, 21:53 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

A - N - A - R - C - H - Y
His name is Captain Anarchy, but only in his mind!

So, after the needless song lyrics, and the propaganda picture, I'm ready to begin.

Greetings eUSA!
I am CivilAnarchy, of the Socialist Freedom Party, and I hereby declare my candidacy for Congress in the state of New Jersey on behalf of the Socialist Freedom Party.

Previously I've worked on the campaigns of various congressmen, most of whom from the SFP. I'm also former PP of the Socialist Freedom Party.

So I suppose I should write down some ideas on stuff.


Taxes: The taxes of the US need to be balanced between the need of the government and the wellness of the citizen. I will oppose any taxes that would prevent citizens of the eUS from attaining a high standard of life in the eWorld.

Government Companies/0 Skill Hubs: 0 skill hubs are a necessarily program for every country in the eWorld, in order to ensure that new players can get started working. If elected, I would support programs educating the people working at these companies, and support expanding these companies.

Government Program and Policy

Government Transparency: "BANDWAGON ALERT" This is something that you can see in just about every congressmen's platform. Our government right now is fairly transparent, and that's something that I would support 100% when elected.

Education: As of yet, there have been various education programs begun by the government and individual citizens alike, and it seems to have been effective. If elected, I would work towards maintaining and expanding these programs. One specific thing I would do is work towards the creation of a government committee or division to help individual parties start up their own newbie training programs. From what I've seen, political parties can train newbies the best, simply because they have the most initiative to do so. If each party is given tools to train their new players, they will do so effectively. And in only a matter of a few weeks, results shall be seen.

Congressional Paper/Journalism Training: Coinciding with the transparency of government, I would push for an expansion of the emerging Congressional Paper. Having this as a resource would give us an official source of information about congressional news and whats going on at the time. This would allow for greater public understand of whats going on in congress, and hopefully greater knowledge about past congressional affairs to new congressmen. Furthermore, I believe that aspiring journalists should be allowed to help write in this paper, along with congressmen of course. Any increase in the quality of the US media would be a plus.

Simplified Forum for New Players: A first look at the eUS forums can be daunting. All the information necessary for a new player to start out well is there, but wouldn't it be better if all the information that a new player would need was right in one place, without any of the other fluff that's in the entire country forums? To allow for New players to have all the information required to prosper is one convenient place, I would push for the creation of a new forums, specifically for new players. This would consist of simple basic information to start, government programs to assist them in their development, a questions thread, and information pertaining to some political parties, and military.

Military Policy

World War 4: Well about a week ago, the United States begun its campaign into asia, with the intent of liberating provinces of oppressed countries, and delivering a heavy blow to enemy powers. Personally, I was against this campaign. But whats done is done. My main concern on the matter was the fact that we were placing our country in a position to become the next Hungary or Indonesia. The only way I can prevent that now is to keep a vigilant eye on the actions we take pertaining to our military operations in the next few weeks. If elected, I will be a voice in congress always against imperialism. Always ensuring that we keep our morality, and do not become what we just spent the last three months fighting against.

eUS Military: There are various flaws in our current military situation. First of all, the materials that we give to our new recruits in the TC are not necessarily accurate. I know this as a fact, because I took the exams only a small while ago. If elected, I will work with our military officers to fix these discrepancies, without infringing upon the authority of our military officers.

Civilian Mass Attack: Just recently, the eUS set up a mass civilian attack in order to increase morale when we launched an invasion into the heavily fortified, Iranian occupied region of Liaoning. Along with this, free weapons were handed out to civilians. My initial thought when I heard about this operation was "Why didn't we do this before?" I presume that sometime during the past of the eUS we had set up one of these operations before, but I couldn't recall one. But....why do we do this only once? Why not have this as a regular occurrence? If elected, I will work alongside military officials in order to make this a regular occurrence. I would suggest adding a specific time to the DoD orders for people to be on a specific IRC channel in order to attack as a country, as one unified force. In addition to the morale boost, people selling weapons would be allowed to appeal to these people, allowing for higher consumption of weapons, stimulating the economy, and increasing our overall damage.

I stand by every ideal embodied by the Socialist Freedom Party. Although I may not be running directly under its banner, I shall always fight for our ideology.

So on Christmas, remember, vote for CivilAnarchy in New Jersey!
Lets get some Congressional Anarchy!