Congressional activity a must

Day 1,311, 03:32 Published in Canada Canada by Etemenanki

So it’s been a little while since I have posted anything here in the eCanada media for various reasons, first off general busy life stuff like getting married and all that jazz, and two because the media in this game seems to be dying. Some of you no doubt remember a couple months back I posted a couple of articles in which I detailed the post numbers for the various members of congress. Comments on those articles seemed to be in favour of them and I got a general sense of disappointment when I wasn’t able to do the next couple of months from people. So last night not having anything better to do (such lies, ask the wife) I went and counted posts and here I am, 3 hours later.

Because I was on my honeymoon last month at congress elections I was unable to run and as such, I have no closed door congress access, so the post counts are only reflective of OPEN DOOR congress. Some people will claim they posted mainly in closed door congress, but in my experience doing this, most people post equally in open and closed door congress or far more heavily in open door congress, rarely if ever the reverse.

As you can see, it was a fairly active month this time around with some pretty decent numbers by three of the big 5 parties. An average post per member rating of 45.88 should be seen as a statistical average (1,835 posts / 40). MOO and the MDP were both above that number, EPIC just under it, and both the UN and the CPP well below it.

I did do a bit of a dig into exploring something I have wondered about and removed the top poster from each party, which drastically changed the numbers for some of the parties.

As you can see there are some drastic changes to a couple of the parties by the simple removal of one member of the party. For MOO, the removal of just one member (Addy) dropped the parties’ posts/member by an astounding 28.43. Likewise for EPIC the removal of Chochi cost them 16.79, while Jacobi (CPP), Gherk (MDP), and M. Loiselle (UN) each cost their party only approximately 10 points. A new post/member average works out to be approximately 34.74 (1,216/35) with these members removed. I only present this because I have been concerned for quite some time about parties relying to hard on one member in congress to present opinions and not having a full slate of active and capable congressmen.

Now that I have given you the entertainment (admit it, we are all geeks, and to some of us, that was entertainment) I will move onto the pitch. In a couple of days I will be running for congress again in the province of Saskatchewan under the EPIC banner and I would appreciate your vote. I have been in congress a long time and have always been one of the most active and vocal members of the house (just click back a couple articles and see my activity), not shying from expressing my opinion and or concerns on any topic. I strive for transparency and openness and will happily take any questions or PM’s from the public with questions and comments or situations you believe of concern to the government of the day. So on the 25th, I would like you to consider voting for me in Saskatchewan, thanks!

Major etemenanki………hey, I don’t have a cabinet position, no wonder I have free time.